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Henan launches 1st direct flight to South Europe

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-11-10 17:09

Henan launches 1st direct flight to South Europe

每周两班直飞米兰 河南首条直达南欧客运航线启航


On the afternoon of October 30, nearly 300 passengers took a wide-body plane of Juneyao Airlines from Zhengzhou city of Central China's Henan province to Italy, marking the successful launch of a regular intercontinental air passenger route between Zhengzhou and Milan.


The launch ceremony. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

It is the first regular intercontinental direct passenger route from Henan to South Europe, which brings together Zhengzhou metropolitan area and Milan, the international fashion capital.



Operated by Juneyao Airlines, 2 flights are scheduled on Mondays and Fridays per week. The outbound flight (HO1667) will take off from Zhengzhou at 14:50 (local time) and arrive at Milan on 19:30 (local time). And the return flight (HO1668) will departure from Milan at 21:30 (local time) and arrival in Zhengzhou at 14:55 (local time) the following day.


A plane of Juneyao Airlines. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

As the first regular intercontinental direct passenger route from Henan to South Europe, the Zhengzhou-Milan air route is bound to vigorously promote the connectivity between Henan and Europe, which is of great significance for Henan to actively integrate into the construction of the "Belt and Road" and accelerate the development of the province into an inland open high ground.



This year, Zhengzhou airport has resumed or newly opened 15 international and regional passenger routes, covering 12 countries and regions worldwide, including 3 intercontinental air passenger routes linking Zhengzhou with Milan, Helsinki and Sydney.

今年郑州机场恢复和新开通了15条国际及地区客运航线,通航国家及地区达12个。其中,正在运营的洲际定期客运航线有3条:吉祥航空运营的郑州至米兰、郑州至赫尔辛基航线,天津航空运营的郑州至悉尼航线。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/宋敏 编译/周金淼 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing