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Through World's Eyes | Former Chilean President reveals how Chilean cherries transported to China during Spring Festival

Source:hihenan.cn Published:2023-11-11 20:46

Editor's note: The Henan International Communication Center (HICC) has launched a special coverage of "Through World's Eyes", featuring exclusive interviews with foreign political leaders, heads of international organizations, diplomats, prominent overseas Chinese leaders, business leaders, and well-known figures from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, to present the development of Henan from their perspectives.

Recently, Eduardo Frei, Former President of Chile, visited Henan and had an exclusive interview with reporters from HICC. During the interview, he talked about how Chilean cherries make their way to the tables of Chinese people during the Spring Festival, and highly praised the Belt and Road Initiative, acknowledging the tremendous opportunities and broad prospects it brings for the economic and social development of Chile and other Latin American countries.

Click on the video above

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao