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Explore the city | Cameroonian student seeks origin of Taijiquan in Chenjiagou, Jiaozuo

Source:HICC Published:2023-12-31 12:42

Liu Bianjing, who comes from Cameroon, is currently a PhD studentat the Wushu College of Henan University, doing research onTaijiquan. He is a big fan of the Chinese culture, especially Taijiquan, and thinks that it’s a martial art full of wisdom, with profound Chinese philosophy. This time, he comes to Chenjiagou of Wenxian County, Jiaozuo City, the birthplace of Taijiquan, in order to seek the origin of this world cultural heritage and to learn more about its history and spirit. Here, he also met a Taijiquan master and inheritor and talked with them. What did he learn? Check the video.

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao