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Journey of Intangible Cultural Heritage·Wood Engraving Picture

Source:HICC Published:2024-02-06 17:05

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Robert from Poland will spend his second Spring Festival in China, and he wants to experience some different Spring Festival cultures. Robert has always been interested in intangible cultural heritage, so he decided to learn from his teachers and experience the charm of Henan's intangible cultural heritage. In the series of Through Foreigners' Eyes · Journey of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Robert will take you on this New Year's journey of intangible cultural heritage together with him.


As the root of Chinese Wood Engraving Picture, the Zhuxian Town Wood Engraving Picture originated from the Door God painting that emerged during the Northern Song Dynasty. It embodies the development history of thousands of years and profound cultural connotations. In 2006, it was included in the first batch of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List. In this video, Robert learns how to make a Wood Engraving Picture from Ren Helin, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the director of the Zhuxian Town New Year Painting Art Museum in Kaifeng. Let's take a look at his learning achievements together!

朱仙镇木版年画作为中国木版年画的鼻祖,源于北宋都城汴梁所开创兴起的木版门神年画,积蕴着中国木版年画千年的发展史和深厚的文化内涵。2006年,朱仙镇木版年画入选第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。这一期,罗晓波将拜非物质文化遗产传承人、开封朱仙镇年画艺术馆馆长任鹤林为师,学习朱仙镇木版年画的制作工艺。 让我们一起看看他的学习成果吧!

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao