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Flights from Zhengzhou to Mexico City increased

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-04-03 21:01

Flights from Zhengzhou to Mexico City increased



On the evening of April 2, an all-cargo plane operated by Kalitta Air arrived at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport. Three hours later, loaded with cross-border e-commerce cargo, it left Zhengzhou for Mexico City, marking the successful launch of an air freight route from Los Angeles to Mexico City via Zhengzhou by Kalitta Air under the Fifth Freedom Rights.


An all-cargo plane operated by Kalitta Air arrived at Zhengzhou airport. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

The route is undertaken by a B747 all-cargo plane, with 3 round trips scheduled per week. The outbound trips mainly transport cross-border e-commerce cargo, while the inbound trips fresh products in the future. Each round trip could transport over 150 tons of cargo. With the opening of this route, the number of flights from Zhengzhou to Mexico City has been increased from three to six per week, which improves the timeliness of cross-border e-commerce cargo from Zhengzhou to the American region, enriches the categories of fresh products imported via Zhengzhou airport, strengthens the economic trade exchanges and connectivity between Zhengzhou and the American region, and expands the influence of Zhengzhou as an international air cargo hub.



Since January, Zhengzhou airport has spared no efforts to expand its international air cargo network. So far, flights from Zhengzhou to Liege and to Chicago have been increased. Next, Zhengzhou airport will continue to increase the cargo flights to the cross-border e-commerce hubs in Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia and so on, playing its role for Henan to build an inland opening-up highland.

今年以来,郑州机场持续加大国际货运航线网络布局力度,截至目前已加密郑州至列日、芝加哥等货运航线。下一步,郑州机场将继续加密郑州至欧美、东南亚等跨境电商聚集地的货运航线,为河南省打造内陆开放高地提供通达全球的航线网络支撑。(中文来源/大河网 记者/祝传鹏 编译/杨佳欣 实习生 李凯 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing