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Cargo flights from Zhengzhou to the Philippines launched

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-04-12 20:10

Cargo flights from Zhengzhou to the Philippines launched



On April 9, a B737 all-cargo plane operated by Tianjin Air Cargo arrived at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport. Loaded with cross-border e-commerce cargo, it left Zhengzhou for Clark International Airport at 9: 00 pm on the same day, marking the official launch of the air freight route from Zhengzhou to the Philippines by Tianjin Air Cargo.

大河网讯 4月9日,一架天津货运航空B737全货机落地郑州新郑国际机场,并于当日21时满载电商包裹飞往菲律宾克拉克国际机场,标志着天津货运航空郑州至菲律宾货运航线正式开通。

Through charter, the route is operated by China Logistics Group International Express Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., which mainly transports domestic packages, fresh products and cross-border e-commerce cargo. Each round trip could carry over 30 tons of cargo. Currently, 2 round trips are scheduled per week. The opening of this route will boost the featured products trading between Central China and the RCEP member countries, and help domestic competitive industries expand their overseas business in the ASEAN countries.



Since January, centering on the air cargo business such as cross-border e-commerce, Zhengzhou airport has seized the strategic opportunity under the new development pattern, continued to expand the scale of cargo gathering and distribution, improved the domestic and overseas air freight network and improved the interconnection and coordination of domestic and international logistics, thus laying a solid foundation for promoting higher level of opening-up in the Central Plains.

今年以来,郑州机场围绕跨境电商等航空货运业务,抢抓新发展格局战略机遇,不断扩大货源集输规模,完善国内外货运航线网络,贯通国内国际高效衔接互转的运输通道,为中原地区进一步提高对外开放水平奠定了坚实基础。(中文来源/大河网 记者/祝传鹏 编译/杨佳欣 实习生 邱昌琪 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing