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China firmly opposes U.S. restrictive measures on Chinese products

Source:Xinhua Published:2024-04-19 14:11

China firmly opposes the United States' new restrictive measures on Chinese steel and aluminum products, the country's Commerce Ministry said Thursday.

The new measures, which could triple the tariffs on these products, are typically unilateral and protectionist actions, and the U.S. accusations against China are groundless, said a spokesperson with the ministry in a statement.

The United States is going further down the wrong path, as it has ignored the international economic and trade order and rules, politicized economic and trade issues, abused the so-called Section 301 tariff review procedure, and openly demanded arbitrary tariff adjustments on Chinese products, it said.

The move will not help solve the problems faced by the U.S. domestic industries, and the U.S. action of pressuring other countries to restrict Chinese products will further undermine the security and stability of the global industrial and supply chains, the statement said.

China urges the United States to face up to its own problems, stop raising tariffs on Chinese products and immediately cancel the additional tariffs on China, said the ministry, adding that China will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests.

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao