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'Chinese Characters' exhibition held in Shaanxi, China on the 29th World Book Day

Source:HICC Published:2024-04-24 18:42

On April 23th, the "4·23 World Book Day" series of events, jointly planned by the National Museum of Chinese Writing, Shaanxi Library, and Publicity, Culture and Tourism Bureau of Xi'an Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone, commenced at the Shaanxi Library. The highlight of this event, the "Charm of Characters, Essence of Culture" themed "Chinese Characters" exhibition, offered the public a unique cultural feast.


The "Chinese Characters" exhibition, held by the National Museum of Chinese Writing, is an immersive, three-dimensional, and interactive showcase. Within this exhibition, the debut of "Ancient Characters in National Treasures," the interactive project "People Within Characters, "the animated video "Child Cangjie Introducing Chinese Characters, "and the multimedia display of digitized Chinese characters aim to bring visitors closer to the history, artistry, and essence of Chinese characters. The exhibition also hopes to ignite a passion for reading among the public, encouraging more people to embrace and enjoy the art of reading.

《汉字》展是中国文字博物馆精心打造的沉浸式、立体化、互动型的综合性展览活动,本次展览中“国宝中的古文字”立体装置、“人在字中”互动项目、《小仓颉说汉字》动画视频、汉字数字化多媒体展示都是首次亮相,旨在通过展览让大家近距离了解汉字历史、欣赏汉字艺术、品味汉字妙趣,感受汉字的生命力和凝聚力,也希望激发公众阅读热情,让更多人爱上阅读、享受阅读。(文字来源/中国文字博物馆 编译/童林)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao