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Henan's bird species account for 30% of China's total

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-04-26 08:41

Henan's bird species account for 30% of China's total



Henan's Bird-Loving Week lasts from April 21 to 27 this year, with the theme of Improving Protection System & Safeguarding Bird Migration. As of April 23, Henan Forestry Administration revealed that the province is home to 493 bird species, representing nearly one-third of China's total avian diversity. This highlights the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation efforts in the region."



In recent years, Henan has dedicated significant efforts to monitoring and safeguarding key migratory bird species along with their habitats, launching several research programs in the process. Currently, Henan boasts a well-established natural protected area system characterized by a well-planned layout and a diverse range of types and functions. The province has established 351 protected natural areas of various kinds, with 19 among them recognized as China's initial batch of crucial habitats for terrestrial wildlife.



Now, 95 percent of Henan's key nationally protected wild animals and plants and 80 percent of its typical ecosystems have been included within the scope of natural reserves. This has effectively enhanced the diversity, stability and sustainability of ecosystems.



So far, Henan has documented 656 species of terrestrial vertebrates, among which 29 are classified as first-class protected wild animals in China, including leopards, crested ibis, and Baer's pochards. Additionally, 119 species are categorized as second-class protected animals, such as whooper swans, golden pheasants, and macaques. Particularly noteworthy is the presence of 493 bird species observed in Henan, constituting nearly one-third of China's total avian diversity.

截至目前,河南省已知陆生脊椎动物656种,其中豹、朱鹮、青头潜鸭等国家一级保护野生动物29种,大天鹅、红腹锦鸡、猕猴等国家二级保护野生动物119种,尤其鸟类资源493种,占全国鸟类种类的近1/3。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/赵一帆 编译/杨佳欣 实习生/邱昌琪 李凯 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing