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Henan's EV charging volume hit record high during May Day holiday

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-05-08 21:03

Henan's EV charging volume hit record high during May Day holiday



According to the State Grid Henan Electric Power Company on May 6, as the citizens' travel methods shift towards green initiatives, the charging volume of new energy vehicles in Henan surged during the past 5-day May Day holiday. On the first day of the holiday, the province's highway charging volume hit a single-day record high.



According to the new energy vehicle charging facilities operated by the State Grid Henan Electric Power Company across the province, the utilization of these facilities increased sharply during the May Day holiday. Statistically, the total charging volume reached 3.4622 million kilowatt-hours, representing a growth of 48.27 percent compared to the same period last year. On May 1, the charging volume across the province peaked at 847,500 kilowatt-hours, which was 2.71 times higher than the usual daily volume.



During the May Day holiday, the charging volume of State Grid charging piles on the highways across Henan reached 2.4581 million kilowatt-hours, accounting for 71.00 percent of the total charging volume, an increase of 89.84 percent compared to the same period last year. Among them, the first day of the holiday saw a peak in travel, with the highway charging volume across the province reaching 621,700 kilowatt-hours, 3.8 times higher than usual.

“五一”假期期间,河南省高速路网国网充电桩充电量达245.81万千瓦时,占全省总充电量的71.00%,同比增长89.84%;其中假期首日为出行小高峰,当日全省高速充电量达62.17万千瓦时,是平时的3.8倍。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/宋敏 编译/杨佳欣 实习生/李凯 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing