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Nanyang Medical Sage Culture Park opens on May 13

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-05-15 18:16

Nanyang Medical Sage Culture Park opens on May 13



The brilliant "Zhongjing Culture" is shining at the Medical Sage Culture Park. The highly-anticipated Medical Sage Culture Park in Nanyang city of Central China's Henan province officially opened on May 13.


Photo provided to dahe.cn

Medical Sage Zhang Zhongjing was born in Nanyang, making Nanyang not only one of the birthplaces of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but also the place where the Medical Sage Ancestral Temple (the most sacred place for TCM practitioners) is located. "Zhongjing Culture" is the most distinctive regional and medical cultural heritage of Nanyang. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspected Nanyang on May 12, 2021. The Medical Sage Ancestral Temple is the first visit of Xi Jinping, where he learned about Zhang Zhangjing's life and his contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine, the role of TCM in the prevention and cure of COVID-19, as well as the inheritance and development of TCM. Xi Jinping emphasized that TCM, containing thousands of years of health and wellness concepts of the Chinese nation and its practical experience, is a great creation of the Chinese nation and a treasure of ancient Chinese science. Efforts should be made to promote the research and development of TCM and to elucidate the mechanism of TCM with modern science. Besides, efforts should also be made to accelerate the incorporation and promotion of TCM and modern science, and combine TCM with modern science and integrate Chinese and Western medicine to provide more quality health services for the people.


Photo provided to dahe.cn


To further carry forward the brilliant "Zhongjing Culture" and the spirit of TCM, Nanyang is sparing no effort in building the Medical Sage Culture Park. The Medical Sage Culture Park, centered around the theme of cultural inheritance, integrates gardens, courtyards, and temples. Based on the national-level cultural heritage site Medical Sage Ancestral Temple, it includes various attractions, such as Medical Sage Mountain, Mingyuan Peak, Apricot Grove Genealogy, Penglai Pavilion, Herb Garden, and Panchi Pond. The architectural structures within include Zhang Zhongjing Museum, Zhongjing Academy, Grand Hall Medical Clinic, TCM Experience Hall, Chinese Medicinal Specimen Museum, etc. The overall architectural style is reminiscent of the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD), exuding grandeur. Its functions encompass cultural relic exhibitions, exchanges on TCM culture, TCM diagnosis and treatment, experiential learning, and tourism. Nanyang aims to create a "global center for TCM, a national hub for TCM, and a renowned city for TCM" with a focus on three keywords: Zhongjing, TCM, and culture. The Medical Sage Culture Park helps inherit the culture of TCM and will be a new landmark for TCM culture.

为进一步弘扬仲景文化、传承和发扬传统医学精神,南阳市倾力打造医圣文化园。医圣文化园围绕文化传承主题,融园、院、祠为一体,以国家级文物保护单位医圣祠为中心,内含医圣山、明远顶、杏林谱系、蓬莱阁、百草园、泮池等多个景点。其中建筑体有张仲景博物馆、仲景书院、大堂行医馆、中医药体验馆、中药标本馆等,整体建筑为汉代风格,气势磅礴。其功能集文物展览、中医药文化交流、中医诊疗、研学体验、观光旅游等于一体,围绕打造“全球中医圣地、全国中医高地、全国中医药名都”的目标,聚焦“仲景、中医、文化”三个关键,传承中医药文化,建设中医药文化新地标。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/孟向东 曾倩 编译/杨佳欣 实习生/邱昌琪 审校/焦丹 赵汉青

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao