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Love Henan · Travel to the Central Plains | 25 French Teenagers Embark on a Journey Through Henan, Embracing Chinese Civilization

Source:HICC Published:2024-05-16 10:38

On May 15, the "Love Henan · Travel to the Central Plains" event, organized by the Henan International Communication Center and the French International School of Beijing, kicked off at the National Museum of Chinese Writing in Anyang city, Central China's Henan Province. From May 15 to 17, 25 French high school students are scheduled to visit Anyang, Zhengzhou, and Luoyang in Henan province to feel the unique charm of Chinese civilization and deepen the friendship between China and France.


In the morning, the French students toured the National Museum of Chinese Writing, learning about the history and evolution of Chinese characters. They also engaged in oracle bone script exercises and bamboo slip-making. The students were excited about the trip. JOUVENEL Julie, a third-year student, said, "We have been studying Chinese and are thrilled to be in the birthplace of Chinese characters. Everyone is fascinated by oracle bone scripts." BRAHIN Lucien, a second-year student, noted the significance of the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, expressing pride and anticipation for a deeper understanding of Chinese culture through this tour.


During the study tour, the students will visit the new Yin Ruins Museum to explore the Shang Dynasty's civilization, gaining insights into oracle bone inscriptions. They will also visit the Shaolin Temple to appreciate the fusion of Zen and martial arts and learn Shaolin techniques from masters. Additionally, their itinerary includes the Longmen Grottoes, the Erlitou Xia Dynasty Ruins Museum, and the Zhougong Temple Museum, where they will delve into the ancient history of these sites.


The year of 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations and the China-France Year of Cultural Tourism. As representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and France boast rich cultural heritages that mutually attract and inspire each other. Through the event of "Love Henan · Travel to the Central Plains", the French students will embark on a journey of cross-cultural understanding and communication, experiencing the depth of Chinese civilization and serving as ambassadors of cultural exchange. SHEN Wenjing, a teacher from the French International School of Beijing, said that the students would gain knowledge beyond the classroom and had profound, firsthand cultural experiences in this tour. She believed that they would share the Chinese culture they experienced in Henan with the world.

今年适逢中法建交60周年和中法文化旅游年。作为东西方文明的重要代表,中法两国各自创造出博大精深的优秀文化,相互欣赏、相互吸引,交流互鉴的脚步从未停歇。法国青少年将通过“爱河南·中原行”——北京法国国际学校“华夏溯源中原行”活动,开启跨越语言与文化的相知相通之旅,近距离感知中华文明的博大精深,当好中法文化交流的“使者”。北京法国国际学校带队老师沈文婧说:“踏上中原土地,孩子们将学习更多在课堂上无法了解的知识,获得更加深刻直观的感受。未来学生们会走向世界各地,相信大家会把在河南领略的中华文化带给全世界。”(中文来源/河南日报 记者/沈剑奇 童林 张蕊 张新行 编译/童林 刘雪颖 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao