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ICIF | Henan Culture Shines at 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair

Source:HICC Published:2024-05-23 20:06

The 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair opened at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center on May 23. This significant event will once again showcase the charm of Henan culture in Shenzhen, China.


As one of the participating provinces, the Henan exhibition hall is themed "Henan, Where China Began," focusing on four sections: Source of Chinese Civilization, National Trend of Henan, Charming Henan, and Amazing Henan. It presents over 2,000 cultural products from 150 cultural units across the province.


At this cultural industry fair, the Henan exhibition hall adheres to a concept of "historical and modern intertwining; traditional and fashionable fusion." It showcases Chinese culture's inheritance and transformation through the evolution of Chinese characters; Henan's responsibility and innovation in porcelain development through ceramic culture; China's people-centered ideology via Ding culture's evolution; and Central China’s "harmony" theory through traditional Henan cuisine. Additionally, it highlights achievements such as the Chinese Culture Development Project research results and Mao Dun Literature Prize and Lu Xun Literature Prize series books, demonstrating Henan’s commitment to promoting traditional Chinese culture. Efforts are made to present Henan as a core region for forging Chinese culture, further enhancing its brand influence under the "Henan, Where China Began" cultural brand by showcasing its comprehensive contributions from multiple angles.


The graceful movements of Tai Chi and the enchanting melodies of bone flutes harmonize, accompanied by the resonant tones of bronze bells and gongs performing the popular song "The Brave One". Visitors can engage in deciphering oracle bone scripts while navigating obstacles, read stories of Fu Hao, known as "the female war goddess" from the Shang Dynasty, and immerse themselves in a diverse array of performances and interactive exhibits showcasing the province's outstanding cultural and industrial projects.


The expo is primarily conducted offline, with an online component. The offline exhibition includes 8 halls: Cultural Industry Comprehensive Exhibition (Hall A), Cultural Industry Comprehensive Exhibition (Hall B), and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cultural Industry Innovation Exhibition - 3 comprehensive exhibitions; as well as exhibitions on Cultural Tourism Integration and Consumption, Film, Publishing, Copyrights, Games & E-sports; Intangible Cultural Heritage, Traditional Brands & Craftsmanship; Art & Design National Trend; and International Cultural Trade - 5 specialized exhibitions.

本届文博会采取线下为主、线上线下融合的方式举办。其中,线下设置8个展馆,包括文化产业综合展(A馆)、文化产业综合展(B馆)、粤港澳大湾区文化产业创新展3个综合展,以及文旅融合·文化消费展、影视·出版·版权·游戏电竞展、非遗·老字号·工艺美术展、艺术·设计·国潮展、国际文化贸易展5个专业展。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/郭歌 编译/童林 康智博 英文审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao