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11th World Women University Presidents Forum Commences in Zhengzhou, China

Source:HICC Published:2024-05-27 10:07

The 11th World Women University Presidents Forum commenced with an opening ceremony on May 25, 2024, at Huanghe S&T University in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan province.


The theme of this forum is "Multicultural Backgrounds and Common Development: The Responsibility of Higher Education Leaders". It is jointly organized by the Organizing Committee of the World University Women Presidents Forum, Huanghe S&T University, and Communication University of China. The forum has received support from the Modern Women's Leadership Research Institute and other institutions. The forum attracted over 200 representatives from 60 countries and regions. The two-day event features keynote speeches, special forums, and round-table discussions, encompassing five sub-topics: Higher Education Openness and Civilization Continuity, Common Vision of Humanity and General Education, Evolution of Intelligent Society and Educational Forms, Sharing of School-running Experience and Educational Wisdom, and Multicultural Backgrounds and Female Leadership.


At the opening ceremony, speeches were delivered by Irina Bokova, Chairman of the Council of the UN University of Peace, Costa Rica and former Director-General of UNESCO, Fernando Galván, Chairman of the International Association of University Presidents and President of CETYS UNIVERSIDAD in Mexico, along with several other distinguished Chinese and international guests.


The Communication University of China, formerly known as Beijing Broadcast Institute, initiated the World Women University Presidents Forum (WWUPF) in August 2001. The forum aims to leverage the collective strength of women university presidents worldwide, offering an international platform for communication, collaboration, and the exchange of innovative ideas and insights in the fields of higher education development and the promotion of women's leadership. The main forum held in China every two to three years is complemented by global sub-forums. Over its 24-year history, it has convened 11 main forums and 11 sub-forums, bringing together over 2,000 women university presidents from 120 countries and regions. With its significant contributions to higher education development, the advancement of women's leadership and higher education, and international educational exchanges, the forum has become a highly influential platform in the global higher education community.


Huanghe S&T University, a key organizer of the forum, is China's first private undergraduate institution. With a 40-year history, it has remained dedicated to its mission of "serving the country's needs, addressing societal concerns, and supporting socialist modernization. " So far, it has nurtured over 300,000 high-quality talents and pioneered an innovative development path for private universities with distinctive Chinese characteristics.

本届论坛举办方之一的黄河科技学院是全国第一所民办普通本科高校。四十年来,黄河科技学院恪守“为国分忧,为民解忧,为社会主义现代化建设服务”的办学宗旨,为党和国家培育了30余万名高素质人才,走出了一条中国特色社会主义民办大学的创新发展之路。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/曹萍 编译/童林 英文审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao