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Global Talk丨2nd Belt and Road Int'l Skills Competition kicks off in Chongqing

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-06-26 09:43

2nd Belt and Road Int'l Skills Competition kicks off in Chongqing


The 2nd Belt and Road lnternational Skills Competition commenced in Southwest China's Chongging municipality on June 24. The event, themed "Skills Cooperation & Joint Development", has attracted 590 participants from 61 countries and regions. Joinly organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commision, China Intemnational Development Cooperation Agency, and the Chongging Municipal People's Government, it aims to promote skills exchange and cooperative development among "Belt and Road" participating countries.

大河网重庆讯 6月24日,第二届“一带一路”国际技能大赛在重庆开幕。本届大赛由人力资源社会保障部、国家发展改革委、国家国际发展合作署和重庆市人民政府共同举办,以“技能合作、共同发展”为主题,共有来自61个国家和地区的590名技能精英参赛观摩,旨在促进“一带一路"共建国家技能交流与合作发展。

Upholding the principles of "openness, intelligence, substainability, safety and uniqueness", this year's competition is featured by 18 categories namely electronic technology, photoelectric technology, automotive technology (new energy), track signal control technology, drone installation and maintenance, freight forwarders, digital production, informaion network cabling, Internet of Things installation and debuging, floral art, jewel crafting, beauty, hair dressing, sugar and pastry making, coffee making and internet marketing. It is worth noting that 6 special competitions are set up for software testing, 3D digital game art, industrial internet technology applications, digital twin engineering applications, and virtual reality product design.


Editor:Zhou Jinmiao