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Zhengzhou International Land Port Officially Put into Use

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-07-02 18:50

The 'Steel Camel Team' of Henan Starts a New Journey

- Zhengzhou International Land Port Officially Put into Use



At 10:15 on June 30th, more than 260 BYD commercial vehicles boarded Henan freight train, which is also known as the "Steel Camel Team," departing from the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone and exporting through Lanzhou, Gansu to Uzbekistan. This marks the official opening of the Zhengzhou International Land Port and the official opening of the dedicated railway.



"The opening of the Zhengzhou International Land Port and the official opening of the dedicated railway will form an efficient industrial linkage with Zhengzhou BYD, which is of great significance for improving the logistics infrastructure around Zhengzhou, enhancing the operational efficiency of BYD's automobile logistics, and jointly building a high-quality, efficient, and low-cost supply chain system to promote the gathering of automotive logistics elements and domestic and foreign trade." Qu Mingliang, General Manager of BYD Henan said so.

“郑州国际陆港启用暨专用铁路正式通车,将与郑州比亚迪形成高效产业联动,对完善比亚迪郑州周边物流基础设施,提升比亚迪汽车物流运行效率,共同打造高质量、高效率、低成本的供应链体系,促进商品汽车物流要素聚集和内外贸业务具有重要意义。” 比亚迪河南公司总经理屈明亮说。



Zhengzhou International Land Port is located in the southeastern part of Zhengzhou Airport New Area, with a total planned area of 50 square kilometers. It is a key project of Henan to serve the high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative, implement the "Advantage Reinvention Strategy", and promote the transformation of transportation location advantages into hub economic advantages. According to the layout of "one port and seven zones," it is subdivided into 26 functional blocks: "one port" refers to the Zhengzhou International Land Port; while "seven zones" refers to the core of the East Station, creating an international freight train distribution center area; the core of the West Station, creating a new energy vehicle logistics service area; and expanding the layout around the "two stations" to include bulk commodity supply chains, expanding bonded functions, trade support, strategic reserves for water and port cooperation, and strategic reserves for emerging logistics areas.



The core functional area of the Zhengzhou International Land Port has a total investment of 17.86 billion yuan, including the west operation area, east operation area, and dedicated railway.



As the only external railway passage of the Zhengzhou International Land Port, the first phase of the dedicated railway from the Zhengzhou Xinzheng Station to the Zhengzhou International Land Port, with a total length of 23.92 kilometers, is a guarantee project to achieve the goal of "ten thousand trains, tens of millions of tons." It was completed and opened to traffic in just 13 months and achieved "operation upon opening," opening up the external communication channel for the Zhengzhou International Land Port and becoming a new strategic fulcrum for our province to enhance its level of opening to the outside world. This holds significant importance for improving the modern comprehensive three-dimensional transportation system, enhancing hub capabilities, and accelerating the construction of a logistics-strong and open-strong province.





The west operation area is adjacent to the BYD Zhengzhou production base, with a planned total investment of 3.1 billion yuan and covering an area of 1,302 mu. It is positioned as a new energy vehicle supply chain service center, mainly serving the warehousing needs of upstream and downstream parts for core enterprises in the new energy vehicle industry represented by BYD. The planned construction includes a 500,000 square meter high-standard warehouse and supporting facilities. The first phase of the 300,000 square meter high-standard warehouse and supporting facilities was completed and put into use at the end of December 2023, with a rental area of about 100,000 square meters, mainly for BYD's spare parts customers.



The east operation area, namely the first phase of the China-Europe Railway (Zhengzhou) Consolidation Center, has a planned total area of 10,800 mu and a total investment of 23.6 billion yuan. It is mainly responsible for the consolidation, customs clearance, and operation of China-Europe freight trains, equipped with functions such as one-stop customs declaration, inspection, booking, consolidation, transportation, and storage, and will have the basic functions of operating China-Europe freight trains after completion.




"We will follow the requirements of the provincial party committee and government for the construction of a modern, international, and world-class inland port, aiming to achieve the goal of 'ten thousand trains, tens of millions of tons' for China-Europe freight trains, and to create a 'world-class international railway hub port, a demonstration area for innovative development of China-Europe freight train transportation and trade, and a leading area for high-quality development of inland port economies'." Sun Song, Deputy General Manager of Henan International Logistics Hub Construction and Operation Co., Ltd explained. Meanwhile, as the main body responsible for investment, construction, and operation of the Zhengzhou International Land Port, they will further accelerate the construction of the China-Europe Railway (Zhengzhou) Consolidation Center, ensuring that by 2025, the integration of customs and railways, the integration of zones and ports, and resource aggregation will be achieved, supporting and guaranteeing that the number of international train departures reaches 5,000 trips.

“我们将按照省委和省政府‘现代化、国际化、世界级’内陆大港建设要求,以满足中欧班列‘万列、千万吨’开行为目标,打造‘世界级国际铁路枢纽港、中欧班列运贸产创新发展示范区、内陆口岸经济高质量发展先行区’。” 河南国际物流枢纽建设运营有限公司副总经理孙松表示,作为郑州国际陆港投资建设运营主体,将进一步加快中欧班列(郑州)集结中心建设,确保到2025年,实现关铁融合、区港一体、资源集聚,支撑保障国际班列开行量达到5000班次。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨凌 赵同增 图/徐聪 编译/温晓梅 杨佳欣 审校/温晓梅 赵汉青

Editor:Zhao Hanqing