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International students experience Chinese-style democracy in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-07-02 19:34

“留”在河南 “豫”见民主

International students experience Chinese-style democracy in Henan


Belt and Road Initiative students visit Henan's top legislature


"How are National People's Congress (NPC) deputies elected?" "What is the legislative process?" "How frequently does the NPC Standing Committee convene?" ...


On the morning of June 28, twenty one international students from eight Belt and Road countries, who are currently studying in Central China's Henan Province, visited the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Henan's top legislature. During their visit, they toured the History Exhibition Hall and the Deputies' Home, and also participated in a simulated voting session in the Meeting Hall of the Standing Committee.


The History Exhibition Hall emanates a quiet solemnity, with rows of display cabinets showcasing various valuable artifacts and historical photos. Videos playing throughout the hall vividly record memories of the era, while silent historical relics narrate tales of times past.



"I learned about Henan's legislative history and law-making process here at the History Exhibition Hall, and I found their approach to legislation quite distinctive," said RASULJONOV AKRAMJON from Uzbekistan.



At the Deputies' Home, staff members introduced the functions of grassroots contact platform in enhancing the whole-process people's democracy. Captivated, the international students took photos, impressed by the convenience and efficiency of the digital tools. This experience expanded their understanding of the responsibilities of NPC deputies bear in serving the public.



"Voting will now commence on the 'Draft Resolution Concerning the Regulation on the Construction and Management of Sponge City in XX City'." With guidance from the staff, the international students participated in a simulated voting exercise within the dignified setting of the Standing Committee's Meeting Hall.



Green signifies "yes", red denotes "no", and yellow indicates "abstain". CIPUTRA TOMMY from Indonesia solemnly pressed the voting button. "The voting experience is new to me, and I find it quite fascinating," said him.



After the visit, the international students actively engaged in an interactive session with the staff, who provided detailed explanations to their inquiries. "The international students' experience today, including the History Exhibition Hall tour and the simulated voting session, will deepen their comprehension of China's NPC system and the implementation of the whole-process people's democracy in Henan," said Zhao Yihong, an official from the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Henan Province.

参观结束的互动环节,留学生们带着好奇纷纷进行提问,工作人员耐心解答。“同学们通过参观人大历史陈列室、代表之家和常委会会议厅,沉浸式模拟体验了法规表决等会议程序,相信他们会更加深入地了解人民代表大会制度的运行规则,会更加直观地感受到全过程人民民主在河南的生动实践。”河南省人大常委会民侨外事工委外侨处处长赵一鸿表示。(中文来源/大河网 记者/贺志泉 王紫仪 李恒 编译/杨佳欣 张雅涵 审校/丁岚 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing