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Breaking News: China-Europe Trans-Caspian Express Launches!

Source:HICC Published:2024-07-03 15:51

At noon on July 3rd local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev attended the opening ceremony of the China-Europe Trans-Caspian Express via video link.



As part of the "Belt and Road Initiative," the port of Kuryk in Kazakhstan witnessed a fleet of Chinese-licensed TIR transport vehicles marked with "China-Europe Trans-Caspian Express," gathering for their journey. The vehicles were ready to board and set sail.




Among the fleet, five transport vehicles from Zhengzhou Hongyi Transport Co., Ltd. and Henan Quancheng Logistics Co., Ltd., both based in Henan, China, were loaded with China-made tractors, refractory materials, and technological products. These vehicles departed from the Henan International Road Transport Assembly Center on June 22, exited China through the Horgos Port in Xinjiang on June 26, and will cross the Caspian Sea via Kazakhstan, by way of land and sea transportation to reach destinations in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and other countries. 


It marks the first time Chinese vehicles have arrived at Caspian Sea ports by direct land transportation, signifying the official completion of a diversified, integrated transport network encompassing road, rail, air, and pipeline transport. And the China-Europe freight trains across the Caspian Sea have also been running smoothly for two years. (Resource/Henan Daily Reporters/Song Min and Li Xiaohan Translator/Tong Lin Proofreader/Jiao Dan)

此次是中方车辆首次以公路直达运输方式抵达里海沿岸港口,而从中国始发跨里海的中欧班列已平稳运营2年,这标志着集公路、铁路、航空、管道运输为一体的多元立体互联互通格局正式建成。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/宋敏 李筱晗 编译/童林 英文审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao