In the future, drone usage is expected to expand significantly, leading to a substantial increase in the number of aerial vehicles. How can we ensure orderly management of this growing traffic? An innovative company in Anyang, China, leverages 5G technology to create a three-dimensional aerial traffic map, enabling precise air traffic management.
未来,无人机的用途势必越来越广、数量越来越多,那么如何让数量庞大的空中飞行器井然有序?安阳有家企业,能用5G “绘制”出空中立体交通地图,实现空中“控盘”。
5G and Drones: Mapping the Skies
空中交通网 这里来“控盘”
Henan Yunhuan Networked Drone Technology Co., Ltd., with its project "5G Networked Drone Upgrade: Comprehensive Construction of a New Model for Smart Low-altitude Digital Cities," participated in the sixth "Blooming Cup" 5G Application Competition. Competing against 46,000 projects nationwide, the company won first prize.
这家企业是河南云洹网联无人机科技有限公司,它带着“5G网联无人机再升级、全面构建数字城市智慧低空新样板”项目, “勇闯”第六届“绽放杯”5G应用征集大赛,与全国4.6万个参赛项目角逐,最终斩获一等奖。
How to manage air traffic? The company’s strategy involves industrializing 5G modules above the 5G low-altitude test base of Anyang to monitor drone positions, attitudes, and trajectories in real time. It also constructs three networks—communication navigation, detection, and meteorology—within a vertical space of 3,000 meters, covering 1,272 square kilometers, to establish organized low-altitude routes. Additionally, the company develops an aircraft monitoring platform to ensure the safe flight of licensed and reported drones. Currently, the company is actively upgrading the "5G Digital City Smart Low-altitude Model" project.
It is believed that in the near future, low-altitude routes will be designed as orderly as the current high-altitude and ground transportation systems. (Source: Henan Daily Reporters: Li Lin, Yang Zhitian Translator: Tong Lin Proofreader: Jiao Dan)
相信在不久的将来,低空航路将如同现在的高空、地面一样,秩序井然。(中文来源:河南日报 记者:李林 杨之甜 编译:童林 英文审校:焦丹)