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Traveling in Henan, Exploring Jun Porcelain with International Friends

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-07-25 18:49

On July 24, "Traveling in Henan, Understanding China -- International Friends Experience Chinese ICH in Henan" themed activity officially kicked off in Xuchang. Six students from Morocco, Iran, Algeria and other countries visited the Shenhou Ancient Town, the birthplace of Jun porcelain, to experience the porcelain making technique and touch the Jun porcelain culture.

7月24日, “何以中国·行走河南——我在河南学非遗”主题采风活动正式拉开帷幕,来自摩洛哥、伊朗、阿尔及利亚等国的6名留学生,走进钧瓷的发源地——神垕古镇,体验制瓷技艺,感受钧瓷文化。

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao