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Jan-Jul cargo and mail throughput at Zhengzhou airport up 31.9%

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-08-11 15:54

Jan-Jul cargo and mail throughput at Zhengzhou airport up 31.9%



From 2024 onwards, Zhengzhou, a major aviation hub in China, has achieved high-quality development, with both passenger and cargo transportation growing rapidly.



From January to July, Zhengzhou airport handled 16.435 million passengers, an increase of 11.8 percent year-on-year, of which 15.986 million were domestic passengers, an increase of 9.7 percent, and 450 thousand were international passengers, an increase of 256 percent. The airport also processed 422 thousand tons of cargo and mails, an increase of 31.9 percent, including 176 thousand tons domestically, up 81 percent, and 246 thousand tons internationally, up 10.4 percent.



In terms of cargo transport, Zhongyu Aviation Group and Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd signed a MOU for the China-Malaysia Air Cargo Hub Project. This MOU will facilitate the establishment of Henan's first overseas cargo station serving the RCEP region in Kuala Lumpur, marking a key step in the implementation of the dual-hub strategy. Continuing to perfect its aviation network, Zhengzhou airport launched 14 new all-cargo routes in the first half of the year, including Frankfurt, New York, and Atlanta, further increasing the frequency of air cargo routes to North America and Europe.



In terms of passenger transport, Zhengzhou airport has actively developed international routes, maintaining stable operations for intercontinental flights to Luxembourg, London, Milan, and other destinations. The airport is also accelerating the development of the "dual hub" routes, including Zhengzhou to Bangkok, Zhengzhou to Cambodia, and Zhengzhou to Singapore. This year, a total of 16 international passenger routes have been launched. The 144-hour visa-free transit policy has been approved, facilitating access to the international tourism market. With the continuous optimization, passenger clearance has been significantly improved.



In recent years, the construction of Zhengzhou into an international air logistics hub has made a new breakthrough. Statistics show that Zhengzhou airport's cargo volume has increased sixfold over the past decade, with an annual growth rate of 21 percent. The cargo freight network continues to optimize, with 186 passenger routes and 36 cargo routes operating in Zhengzhou. The network has initially formed a structure that spans across the major economic zones of Europe, America, and Asia, providing multi-point support. (Chinese source: Henan Daily Reporter: Yang Ling Translator: Yang Jiaxin and Zhang Yahan Proofreader: Chen Xingjie and Zhao Hanqing)

近年来,郑州国际航空物流枢纽建设取得突破性进展。据统计,郑州机场货运总量10年间增长6倍、年均增长21%,货运航线网络不断优化,在郑运营的客货运航线达186条、36条,初步形成横跨欧美亚三大经济区、多点支撑的航线网络。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨凌 编译/杨佳欣 张雅涵 审校/陈行洁 赵汉青)


Editor:Zhao Hanqing