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"Henan, Where China Began" Online Themed Campaign to Kick Off in Luoyang Tonight

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-08-15 17:35

Embrace the Cultural Gala!

"Henan, Where China Began" Online Themed Campaign to Kick Off in Luoyang Tonight

共赴文化盛宴!“何以中国 行走河南”网络主题宣传活动今晚将在洛阳启动

At 19:00, on the evening of August 15th, the "Henan, Where China Began" online themed campaign will be launched at the Erlitou Xia Capital Museum in Luoyang. The event will be feature a stage shaped like the Chinese character "中" (zhōng) and a splendid performance showcasing the profoundness and splendor of Henan to the world.

盛世中华,何以中国。在一方“中”字形舞台上,一场精彩纷呈的节目即将上演,向世界讲述河南的厚重与辉煌……8月15日晚19:00,“何以中国 行走河南”网络主题宣传活动将在河南省洛阳市二里头夏都遗址博物馆拉开序幕。

It is guided by the Cyberspace Administration of China and organized by the Publicity Department of the Henan Provincial Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of the Henan Provincial Committee, Henan Daily Newspaper Group, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Henan Province, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province, the Bureau of Cultural Relics of Henan Province, Henan Broadcasting System, Zhongyuan Publishing Group, and the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of the Luoyang Municipal Committee.


Please stay tuned!



Editor:Zhao Hanqing