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Follow the Australian guy into the "Henan, Where China Began" online themed campaign

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-08-16 23:51

At 19:00, on the evening of August 15th, the "Henan, Where China Began" online themed campaign will be launched at the Erlitou Xia Capital Museum in Luoyang. The event will be feature a stage shaped like the Chinese character "中" (zhōng) and a splendid performance showcasing the profoundness and splendor of Henan to the world.

盛世中华,何以中国。在一方“中”字形舞台上,一场精彩纷呈的节目即将上演,向世界讲述河南的厚重与辉煌……8月15日晚19:00,“何以中国 行走河南”网络主题宣传活动将在河南省洛阳市二里头夏都遗址博物馆拉开序幕。

At the launch ceremony, the four major thematic sections unfold sequentially: "Exploring the Roots of the Nation", "Exploring the Roots of Rituals", "Exploring the Roots of Literature", and "Exploring the Roots of Virtue". The event offers a cultural visual feast through diverse forms such as guest storytelling, talent showcases, scene reenactments, artistic performances, and digital interactions.


Join Australian student Mahad Munawar Khan as he captures the highlights of the launch ceremony! Watch the video to see the exciting moments unfold~

跟随澳大利亚小伙龙威(MAHAD MUNAWAR KHAN)的镜头,一起来看看这场启动仪式的精彩瞬间!戳视频~(周金淼)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao