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Iraqi student: Henan in my eyes

Source:HICC Published:2024-08-26 19:01

Henan, a province in Central China's Yellow River Basin, is widely recognized as the place where Chinese civilization originated, and there are four ancient capitals within its borders.


Our first stop in Henan was Luoyang, which is in the western part of Henan Province. Luoyang has a long history and rich cultural heritage, and was once the ancient capital of 13 dynasties in China, including the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, etc. Luoyang is famous for its Buddhist culture and historical sites, especially the Longmen Grottoes, which is one of the world cultural heritage sites with a large number of Buddhist statues and stone carvings.

The Baima Si, or White Horse Temple is also located in Luoyang. It is considered to be the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism. In addition, Luoyang is an important node on the ancient Silk Road.

Luoyang not only has a long history, but also beautiful natural scenery, such as the Luohe River, Mangshan Mountain, etc., which attract many tourists every year.

Luoyang Ancient Art Museum

This museum showcases the remarkable cultural heritage and historical features of Luoyang. Thereare several famous exhibits in thismuseumthemed onthe cultural relics from the Neolithic Age to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The museum houses many precious cultural relics such as pottery, bronzes, jades, calligraphy and paintings, etc., showing the glorious history of Luoyang as the cultural center of ancient China.

Luoyang National Peony Garden

Although the name contains "peony", there is also a museum here that showcases the cultural significance and historical context of peonies in Luoyang. This museum delves into the various cultivars, cultivation history, and their connection to Luoyang.


Our second stop was Anyang. Located in the northern part of Henan Province, Anyang is a famous historical and cultural city in China.

Anyang has a long history and is one of the eight ancient capitals of China. It was once the capital of the Shang Dynasty, also called "Yin". It is not only one of the most important birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization but also famous for its rich historical relics and cultural heritage.


Yinxu is the most famous historical site in Anyang and the world. The Yin Ruinsis the site of the capital of the late Shang Dynasty, where a large number of precious cultural relics such as oracle bones, bronzes, and jades have been unearthed. As one of the earliest Chinese characters, oracle bones are of great significance to the study of ancient Chinese history and the development of characters. Furthermore, the Yinxu Museum and Yinxu National Archaeological Site Park are the best places for tourists to learn about the history of the Shang Dynasty.

Anyang Museum

The Anyang Museum showcases the history and culture of this place, which has a rich collection, including cultural relics from the Neolithic Age to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are a large number of exhibits in the museum, such as oracle bones, bronzes, pottery, jade, etc., which detail the glorious history and cultural achievements of Anyang as an ancient capital.

National Museum of Chinese Writing

Anyang is the place where oracle bone inscriptions were discovered,which explains why the National Museum of Chinese Writingis located here. The museum mainly displays the development of Chinese characters. From oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions to

modern Chinese characters, it comprehensively introduces the origin, evolution and influence of Chinese characters. Therefore, it is an important place to understand the history of Chinese characters.

Wenfeng Tower

Wenfeng Tower, a renowned historical structure located in Anyang, was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is one of the landmarks in ancient Anyang. As one of the outstanding representatives of ancient Chinese architectural art, the body of the tower is exquisitely carved. Additionally, the summit of the tower provides a panoramic view of the landscape of Anyang city.

Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall

Located in Linzhou City, Anyang, the Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall displays the construction history and spirit of the Red Flag Canal.The Red Flag Canal is a water conservancy project built in the 1960s. Known as the "artificial sky river", it is also a symbol of the Chinese people's self-reliance and hard work spirit.

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao