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THIS IS HENAN | Explore the World of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 'Black Myth: Wukong'

Source:HICC Published:2024-08-30 16:55

Recently, a China-made AAA game titled"Black Myth: Wukong"has gained immense popularity both in China and abroad. The game's depiction of ancient Chinese architecture has captivated players, showcasing the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Beyond the architecture, the game also incorporates elements of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with medicinal herbs used as health recovery items or for crafting elixirs, offering players a glimpse into the unique allure of TCM.

What ancient texts and classical formulas inspired the magical herbs and elixirs in the game? What are their real-life applications and benefits? Join Yu Hongyan, Deputy Director of the Pharmacy Department at Henan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as we delve into the world of Chinese herbal medicine featured in "Black Myth: Wukong".

Radix Glycyrrhizae (Licorice)

In the game: Used to craft the "Longevity Ointment".

Effects: Tonifying spleen and replenishing qi, clearing heat and removing toxin, dispelling phlegm and relieving cough, relieving spasm and pain, and harmonizing all medicinals.

Applications: Treating spleen-stomach weakness, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, cough, phlegm accumulation, spasm of abdominal and limbs, acute pain, abscesses and sores, and moderating drug toxicity.

Classical Prescriptions: Guizhi Gancao Decoction (Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases), Shaoyao Gancao Decoction (Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases), Ganmai Dazao Decoction (Synopsis of Golden Chamber).

Radix Gentianae (Chinese Gentian)

In the game: Crafted into elixirs that enhance basic attributes.

Effects: Clearing heat and drying dampness, and purging fire in liver and gallbladder.

Applications: Treating jaundice and damp-heat, vulval swelling and pruritus vulvae, leukorrhea, eczema-related itching, liver fire-induced red eyes, tinnitus and deafness, hypochondriac pain and bitter taste in the mouth, persistent erection, and convulsion caused by infantile convulsion.

Classical Prescriptions: Longdan Xiegan Decoction (Formulary of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacy), Longdan San (Taiping Holy Prescriptions for Universal Relief).

Radix Ginseng (Ginseng)

In the game: Used to refine elixirs.

Effects: Boosting primordial qi, recovering vessel and relieving prostration, tonifying the spleen and lung, promoting fluid production and nourishing blood, nootropic and tranquilizing mind.

Application: Treating prostration due to exhaustion of strength, cold limbs and faint pulse, anorexia caused by spleen deficiency, dyspnea and cough caused by deficiency of both lung and spleen, thirst due to consumption of fluid, endogenous heat and consumptive thirst, syndrome of both qi and blood deficiency, aeipathia causing debility, palpitation due to fright and insomnia, impotence and dysmenorrhea.

Classical Prescriptions: Shengmai Decoction (Important Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergency), Sijunzi Decoction (Formulary of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacy), Shenling Baizhu San (Formulary of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacy).

Fructus Lycii (Barbary Wolfberry Fruit)

In the game: Used to brew wine.

Effects: Nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing essence and improving vision

Applications: Treating syndrome of deficiency of kidney essence, aching and limpness in the loins and knees, vertigo and tinnitus, impotence and spermatorrhea, endogenous heat and consumptive thirst, blood deficiency and sallow complexion, blurred vision

Classical Prescriptions: Qiju Dihuang Pills (Advancement of Medicine), Gouqi Pills (Records of Proved Prescriptions, Ancient and Modern), Qiyuan Cream (Secret Anatomy of Life).

Ganoderma Lucidum (Lucid Ganoderma)

In the game: Used to refine pills.

Effects: Tonifying qi and calming mind, relieving cough and dyspnea.

Applications: Treating agitation, insomnia and cardiopalmus, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, fatigue and shortness of breath, and loss of appetite.

Classical Prescription: Zizhi Pills (Comprehensive Recording of Sage-like Benefit from the Zhenghe Reign)

The game also features items likeBeili Pills, Dengxian Powder, Fuhu Pills, and various elixirs, all inspired by TCM culture. In reality, these correspond to various forms of traditional Chinese prescriptions such as decoctions, wine, pills, powders, plasters, pellet, and distillate. Henan, located in central China, has a rich history of TCM, housing many TCM cultural relics. As a major production area for Chinese medicinal herbs, Henan is often referred to as "the land of no idle herbs", highlighting its significance in China's cultural heritage.

Medicinal Herbs from Henan:

Top Ten Herbs: Aicao, Shanyao, Dihuang, Lianqiao, Jinyinhua, Niuxi, Danshen, Xiakucao, Duzhong, and Shanzhuyu.

Eight Major Herbs from Nanyang city: Aicao, Shanzhuyu, Jinyinhua, Xiakucao, Tongjiegeng, Xinyi, Yudanshen, and Tangzhizi.

Four Major Herbs from Jiaozuo city: Huaishanyao, Huaijuhua, Huaidihuang, and Huainiuxi.

Five Key Production Areas: Funiu Mountain, Dabie Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Jiaozuo Chinese Medicinal Herbs Production Region, Huanghuaihai Plain.

These traditional Chinese medicine cultures originated from Henan Province:

TCM Cultural Origins in Henan: During the Northern Song Dynasty, the first official pharmacy in Chinese history, "Shuyao Suo of Imperial Medical Service" (also known as a pharmacy sales office), was established in Bianliang (Kaifeng today). The well-known scroll painting in Chinese art history "Along the River during the Qingming Festival" by Zhang Zeduan in the Song Dynasty features many depictions of medicinal practices.

Meng Yuanlao's prose "Dreams of Splendor in Dongjing (Kaifeng today)" describes the flourishing medical shops in Kaifeng during the Northern Song Dynasty.

TheFormulary of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacyin the Song Dynasty is the first official pharmacopoeia in Chinese history, introducing various forms and dosage, including pills, powders, ointments, pills, wine, etc., that are still widely used today.

With the evolution of modern pharmaceutical and manufacturing technology, commonly used TCM formulations now has expanded to include options such as oral liquids, granules, tablets, capsules, and injections.

(Images of traditional Chinese medicinal decoctions are provided by the boutique Chinese medicine pharmacy of Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.)

(中文来源/河南日报客户端 编译/童林 实习生 王宗文 周家欣 英文审校/朱文晓)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao