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SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base rolls out its 2 millionth vehicle

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-08-30 19:57

SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base rolls out its 2 millionth vehicle

上汽乘用车郑州基地第200万辆整车下线 汽车产业向新提速


On the morning of August 29, as a green MG7 slowly rolled off the production line, SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base celebrated the rollout of its 2 millionth vehicle.



It took 50 months to reach the 1 millionth vehicle, but less than 33 months to reach the 2 millionth. Since settling in Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone in 2017, SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base has been operating at an accelerated pace.



"The 2 millionth is a milestone, but also a starting point," said Ding Bo, general manager of SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base excitedly.



Optimistic about Henan and deeply rooted in the Central Plains, Ding Bo noted that since 2017, SAIC Group has invested over 20 billion yuan, driving numerous projects in Zhengzhou, with its vehicle and engine manufacturing plants leading the way, including global cloud computing data centers, software centers, component clusters, supply chain logistics, mobility services, financial and leasing sectors, charging stations, new energy recycling industries, and power batteries. SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base has developed to be the largest passenger vehicle production base, data base and export base for SAIC Group nationwide.


"A strong bond unites SAIC Group and Henan, and currently, Zhengzhou has become the city with the most extensive industrial layout and the most complete industrial chain for the group," said Ding Bo.



The rapid development of SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base reflects Henan's relentless efforts in actively nurturing and expanding its automotive industry chain. In recent years, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government have focused on the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry by introducing vehicle manufacturers such as SAIC, Yutong, Haima, Dongfeng Nissan, and BYD. To strengthen the industrial chain, they have attracted hundreds of related supporting enterprises, creating a diverse product system that includes traditional fuel vehicles, pure electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and intelligent connected vehicles, along with a comprehensive manufacturing, R&D, and testing industrial chain. Last year, Henan plugged new energy vehicles into the 7 trillion-yuan advanced manufacturing clusters and 28 hundred-billion-yuan modern industrial chains for further development, striving to build a leading national base for the new energy vehicle industry.


SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou base has reached the milestone of 2 million vehicles, and BYD's Zhengzhou base has increased its production capacity. Besides, Yutong Bus, Kaifeng Chery and other automotive companies are also experiencing booming production, sales, and exports. The new developments in the automotive industry are highlighting Henan's remarkable growth.



Data shows that Zhengzhou currently accounts for over 80 percent of the province's automotive production, with a capacity of 2 million vehicles and an industry scale of approximately 200 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, Henan's vehicle production and sales reached 535 thousand and 531 thousand respectively, an increase of 46.3 percent and 42.0 percent year-on-year. New energy vehicle production and sales reached 247 thousand and 246 thousand respectively, with a year-on-year growth of 369.6 percent and 364.4 percent. (Chinese source: Henan Daily Reporter: Wang Yanhui Translator: Yang Jiaxin and Zhang Yahan Proofreader: Chen Xingjie and Zhao Hanqing)

数据显示,目前,郑州的汽车产量占全省的80%以上,产能达200万辆、产业规模约2000亿元。今年上半年,全省汽车整车产销量分别完成53.5万辆、53.1万辆,同比分别增长46.3%、42.0%;新能源汽车产销量分别完成24.7万辆、24.6万辆,同比分别增长369.6%、364.4%。 (中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 编译/杨佳欣 张雅涵 审校/陈行洁 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing