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Zhengzhou's first downtown duty-free store set to open, marking a milestone for Henan

Source:HICC Published:2024-08-31 20:02

On August 28, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Administration of Customs, and State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the "Notice on Improving the Policy for In-city Duty-free Shops", indicating that  these stores will be regulated according to the "Interim Measures for the Administration of In-city Duty-Free Shops".


The Notice explicitly states that 13 existing  duty-free shops, including those in Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhengzhou, shall be transformed into downtown duty-free shops within 3 months from October 1, 2024 and shall commence operations after passing the customs inspection.


This transition from foreign exchange goods duty-free shops to downtown duty-free stores is more than a simple renaming. It represents an improvement in consumption patterns of "global buying and selling" , signaling a greater openness to trade.



What is a downtown duty-free shop?

It refers to a shop, approved by the State Council, located in a city, that sells duty-free goods to travelers about to leave the country.  Target customers include passengers who will depart within 60 days (including Chinese nationals) via air or international cruise. After shopping, travelers must collect their duty-free purchases at the pickup points in the departure isolation area of the port and carry them out of the country in one trip.


In Zhengzhou, the concept of purchasing duty-free goods is not new. Since December 2019,  the city has hosted Henan's only Foreign Exchange Goods Duty-Free Shop, located in the commercial area near Zhengzhou East Railway Station.



Zhengzhou Duty-Free shop is located within the Greenland Sky City, part of the Zhengzhou area in the Henan Pilot Free Trade Zone, offering a variety of high-end skincare products, cosmetics,  watches, shoes, bags, and accessories. On the afternoon of August 28, a staff member explained to  a reporter, "Since opening, the main customers have been Chinese citizens holding passports, who can buy duty-free products up to customs limits within 180 days of entry. With the transition to a downtown duty-free store, shopping rules will change, removing purchase limits on duty-free goods."



What products can customers expect to find in downtown duty-free stores?

According to the "Interim Measures for the Administration of In-city Duty-Free Shops", these stores will offer consumer goods such as food, apparel, accessories, footwear, baby care products, jewelry, crafts, electronic devices, beauty products, and alcoholic beverages. Additionally, there is an emphasis on promoting trendy domestic products, which carry a strong Chinese brand identity and contribute to the dissemination of China’s rich cultural heritage.

市内免税店正式到来后,顾客能够买到什么?根据《市内免税店管理暂行办法》,市内免税店主要销售食品、服装服饰、箱包、 鞋帽、母婴用品、首饰和工艺品、电子产品、香化产品、酒等便于携带的消费品;同时鼓励销售国货“潮品”,将具有自主品牌、有助于传播中华优秀传统文化的特色产品纳入经营范围。


Price differences for luxury goods between domestic and international markets drive duty-free consumption abroad. As a key connector between domestic and global markets, the duty-free sector plays a crucial role in bringing consumption back home and energizing market dynamics. Downtown duty-free shops offer tax exemptions on imported items, including tariffs, value-added tax, and consumption tax, while domestic products in these stores are treated as exports, making them eligible for VAT and consumption tax refunds or exemptions.



What implications will the inaugural downtown duty-free shop in Henan bring to the region?

An Xiaoming, Deputy director and researcher at the Institute of Reform and Opening-up and International Economics under the Henan Academy of Social Sciences, foresees that the transformation of foreign exchange goods duty-free shops into downtown duty-free stores will not only spur a significant reversal of outbound consumption but also offer a streamlined duty-free shopping experience for international travelers departing from Zhengzhou. This initiative, paired with the existing 144-hour visa-free transit policy, is expected to boost consumer activity and unlock market potential. 



"In recent years, the integration of the 'Four Silk Roads'- air, land, cyberspace, and maritime - has become a hallmark of Zhengzhou's development and modernization as a national central city. With the introduction of downtown duty-free shops, consumers can look forward to a richer and more diverse shopping experience. This addition will further invigorate Zhengzhou's transformation into an international consumption hub, seamlessly combining Chinese heritage, global brands, and modern fashion," says An Xiaoming.

“近些年来,空陆网海‘四条丝绸之路’协同联动,开放发展已成为郑州国家中心城市现代化建设的鲜明特征。有了市内免税店,将为消费者带来更加多元丰富购物体验的同时,进一步为郑州建设兼具‘中华经典、世界品牌、时代时尚’的国际消费中心城市注入新活力新动力。”安晓明说。(记者/王延辉 康亚飞 编译/童林 实习生 周家欣 王宗文 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao