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Henan surpasses annual aerial seeding target

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-09-03 15:41

Henan surpasses annual aerial seeding target



Recently, Henan province completed its annual aerial seeding operations, covering an impressive 314,900 mu (approximately 20,993 hectares), exceeding the target by 16.6 percent and setting a new record for aerial seeding coverage, according to the Henan Forestry Administration on August 30. The 2024 provincial goal was to seed 270,000 mu (about 18,000 hectares). Starting in mid-May, the operation used two helicopters and four drones across eight prefecture-level cities, 16 counties (including county-level cities and districts), and the Jiyuan demonstration area. The task has now been accomplished.



To advance its goal of becoming a pilot demonstration province for scientific afforestation, Henan has launched a three-dimensional greening campaign in the Mangshan Mountain area of central and western Henan. Integrating trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses and vines, the campaign has covered an area of 77,000 mu (about 5,137 hectares), encompassing 5 county-level cities (or districts) of 2 prefecture-level cities, including Huiji district and Gongyi city in Zhengzhou, as well as Mengjin district and Yanshi district in Luoyang. Along both sides of the Lianyungang-Khorgos Expressway, mountain peach and mountain apricot trees were planted over a total distance of 22.86 kilometers, with 7.5 kilometers being suitable for aerial seeding. So far, the seeding task has been completed, surpassing the target by 16.6 percent. (Chinese source: Henan Daily Reporter: Zhao Yifan Correspondent: Zhang Xianghong Translator: Yang Jiaxin and Zhang Yahan Proofreader: Ding Lan and Zhao Hanqing)

为推进科学绿化试点示范省建设,河南还在豫中、豫西打响邙岭立体绿化攻坚战。以乔、灌、花、草、藤相结合开展飞播作业7.7万亩,涉及郑州市惠济区、巩义市、荥阳市和洛阳市孟津区、偃师区共2个省辖市5个市(区)。在连霍高速两侧点播山桃、山杏,总长度22.86公里,其中适播长度7.5公里,目前已全部完成施工作业及点播任务,合计超额完成飞播造林任务16.6%。 (中文来源/河南日报 记者/赵一帆 通讯员/张香红 编译/杨佳欣 张雅涵 审校/丁岚 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing