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Henan's trade with Africa up 22.2% during January-July period

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-09-04 19:39

Henan's trade with Africa up 22.2% during January-July period



From January to July, Henan's trade with Africa reached 16.33 billion yuan, a 22.2% increase compared to the same period in 2023, according to statistics released by Zhengzhou Customs on September 3, among which the exports to Africa totaled 12.21 billion yuan, up by 14.5%, while the imports from Africa amounted to 4.12 billion yuan, marking a 52.8% increase.

9月3日, 郑州海关发布统计数据显示,今年前7个月,河南对非洲进出口163.3亿元,较去年同期增长22.2%。其中,对非洲出口122.1亿元,增长14.5%;自非洲进口41.2亿元,增长52.8%。


According to the statistics, Congo is Henan's largest African trade partner. From January to July, Henan's trade with Congo reached 2.54 billion yuan, an increase of 168%, accounting for 15.6% of Henan's total trade with Africa during the same period. Other African countries with a total trade value exceeding 1 billion yuan with Henan include Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana, 2.25 billion yuan, 1.83 billion yuan and 1.28 billion yuan, respectively.



Henan's exports to Africa are primarily electromechanical products, accounting for nearly 50% of Henan's total exports to Africa. Among these, automobile exports totaled 1.22 billion yuan, up by 59%, while motorcycle exports amounted to 630 million yuan, a 12.4% increase. Additionally, the export of hair products reached 3.01 billion yuan, up by 19.7%, making up 24.6% of the total export value to Africa. Exports of textiles, clothing, and other labor-intensive products were 1.06 billion yuan, up by 11.6%, representing 8.7% of the total. Imports are mainly composed of unwrought copper, metal ores, and other resource products. Imports of unwrought copper amounted to 1.78 billion yuan, a staggering 14.9-fold increase, accounting for 43.1% of Henan's total imports from Africa. Metal ore imports totaled 1.45 billion yuan, making up 35.1%, and include copper ores, titanium ores, and precious metal ores. Additionally, agricultural product imports were 300 million yuan, up by 43.5%, representing 7.4%, with major items including sesame seeds and peanuts. (Chinese source: dahe.cn Reporter: He Zhiquan Translator: Zhang Yahan Proofreader: Jiao Dan and Zhao Hanqing)

据郑州海关统计分析处负责同志介绍,河南对非洲出口商品以机电产品为主,占全省对非出口总值的近五成。其中出口汽车12.2亿元,增长59%;出口摩托车6.3亿元,增长12.4%。此外,出口发制品30.1亿元,增长19.7%,占全省对非出口总值的24.6%;出口纺织服装等劳密产品10.6亿元,增长11.6%,占8.7%。进口商品主要为未锻轧铜和金属矿砂等资源类产品。其中,进口未锻轧铜17.8亿元,增长14.9倍,占全省自非进口总值的43.1%;进口金属矿砂14.5亿元,占35.1%,主要为铜矿砂、钛矿砂、贵金属矿砂。此外,进口农产品3亿元,增长43.5%,占7.4%,主要为芝麻、花生。(中文来源/大河网 记者/贺志泉 编译/张雅涵 审校/焦丹 赵汉青)


Editor:Zhao Hanqing