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Take Advantage of Transit Visa-Free International Traffic ②: How to Make the Most of 144 Hours in Henan

Source:HICC Published:2024-09-08 19:10

Travelling | Culture Going out and Tourists Invited in

游 | 文化走出去游客请进来

记者:郭歌 沈剑奇

Reporters: Guo Ge and Shen Jianqi

Work Plan Abstract: Accelerate the construction of the international tourism environment of key cities such as Zhengzhou, and improve supporting facilities such as foreign language service explanation system and signage system. Encourage the introduction of well-known overseas cultural and tourism enterprises and strategic investors to participate in the development of cultural tourism resources in our province. Make good use of sister-city resources, deepen cooperation with sister cities in those countries where the 144-hour visa-free transit policies applies, and expand Henan province's international "circle of friends".


On the fourth day after the implementation of the 144-hour visa-free transit policies at Zhengzhou Aviation Port, Xinxiang South Taihang Mountains welcomed the first batch of Korean pathfinder tourist groups.


From Yunfeng Gallery in Tianjie Mountain Scenic Area of Baligou Tourist Attraction, to Escarpment Long Corridor in Wanxian Mountain Scenic Area, all members of the pathfinder tourist group were amazed. They said that the implementation of the 144-hour visa-free transit policies at Zhengzhou Aviation Port has provided more convenient conditions for their entry and will recommend more Korean tourists to Xinxiang South Taihang Mountains for sightseeing.


A few days ago, Thompson, editor-in-chief of the Luxembourg Chronicle newspaper, took a direct flight from Zhengzhou to Luxembourg and came to Henan. He visited Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang and other places to appreciate Henan’s time-honored culture and her new look of economic and social progress.


Thompson said, "with the implementation of China's 144-hour visa-free transit policies for Luxembourg, the influence of the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg direct flight will continue to expand." During his stay in Henan, he took the notes of thousands of words of notes, which he said will be compiled into a document and published in the Chronicle newspaper after returning to Luxembourg. It shows the colorful Henan to the European people and promotes closer people-to-people ties, mutual understanding and between Henan and Europe.


"We checked the tourist data for 40 days after the Zhengzhou Aviation Port implemented the 144-hour visa-free transit policies, and found that there were 1,192 foreign tourists visiting the Henan Museum." The personnel in charge of the Henan Museum said on September 3.


Our province has carried out the pertinent publicity and promotion of the 144-hour visa-free transit policies for key navigable countries and regions such as South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Italy, Luxembourg, and Australia. It will accelerate the training of multilingual tour guides in English, Japanese, Korean, German, Italian, and Spanish, and continue to improve the language environment and interpretation system for foreign tourists in Henan. In terms of foreign tourists who enter Henan with the 144-hour visa-free transit, it has researched and launched a series of “one-package” preferential policies for scenic spots, hotels, shopping, etc ...


In order to seize the opportunity of the implementation of the 144-hour visa-free transit policies, our province adheres to the combination of "Culture Going out" and "Tourists Invited in", short-term measures with long-term initiatives, and product enhancement with market expansion. Meanwhile, we attach importance to key links to make inbound tourists "willing to come, able to come, travel well, and purchase well", launch a number of more active and more precise policy measures to improve the level of inbound tourism facilitation, and comprehensively restore and develop inbound tourism in our province, in hopes of better shaping the cultural tourism brand of "Walking in Henan·Understanding China", displaying the image of China and enhancing mutual learning among civilizations via this window: Henan.


Trading | Strengthening International Exchanges, Attracting Investment in Henan

商 | 增强国际交流吸引来豫投资


Repoter: Li Xiaohan

Work Plan Abstract: Support various localities to invite the managers of overseas upstream and downstream enterprises and key overseas customers of foreign trade enterprises in local advantageous industrial chain groups to participate in their local economic and trade activities, and utilize the 144-hour visa-free transit policies to carry out short-term exploratory visits, project negotiations and other activities in Henan. Encourage various localities to hold short-term economic and trade activities to provide customized services applicable to the 144-hour visa-free transit policies for transit conference participants. Strive to hold more short-term international exchange activities in Henan to further enhance the internationalization level of our province.


Tourism sets a stage, and trade activities play the role. While attracting more foreigners to come and stay in Zhengzhou, we should extend their stay in Henan, and expand their consumption space. The 144-hour visa-free transit policies have become a new fulcrum for expanding international economic and trade exchanges and a new engine for attracting investment and talents, and will provide great convenience for overseas merchants to come to Henan to participate in major international economic and trade exhibitions, exploratory visits and docking negotiations in our province.


A British company executive said, "with this valuable 144-hour period, it's now more convenient for our company to conduct business inspections in Henan, and we have more time to negotiate additional projects. We are full of confidence in the investment prospects in the Henan market."


Seizing the development opportunities brought by the 144-hour visa-free transit policies, Henan has launched a series of measures to encourage the introduction of famous overseas cultural and tourism companies and strategic investors to invest.


A relevant official from the Provincial Department of Commerce introduced that Henan province will develop and improve a business guide for transit foreigners in Henan.The guide will support localities in inviting foreign managers from upstream and downstream enterprises in local advantageous industrial chains, as well as key foreign clients of foreign trade enterprises, to utilize the 144-hour transit visa-free policy for short-term business inspections, project negotiations, and other activities. Additionally, they will be encouraged to participate in economic and trade events such as the Henan-Multinational Corporation Cooperation and Exchange Conference and the Zhengzhou Cross-Border E-Commerce Conference. Furthermore, Henan province will also actively attract various renowned international conferences, high-end forums, special exhibitions, etc., strive to hold more short-term international exchange activities, and further enhance the internationalization level of the province.


"Henan province will also actively cultivate consumer brands and business entities, spare no efforts in attracting multinational corporations and leading enterprises to set up regional headquarters in Zhengzhou, build international tourist experience centers and service centers that are in line with overseas tourists' consumption concepts, and cultivate a number of high-end brands that are geared to international standards." The relevant official in charge of the Department of Commerce of Henan Province stated that support will be provided for Zhengzhou to become an international consumption center city, including the establishment of departure tax refund zones and stores. The province will also actively develop new consumption platforms such as live-streaming e-commerce and instant retail, and will promote sales through activities such as first-store openings, first-show events, first-product launches, and first-station promotions. Additionally, it will construct a number of key foreign-related restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, and pedestrian streets with high standards, promote a slate of must-visit consumer destinations and must-buy specialty products, and provide convenient consumption scenarios for transit foreigners, making them fall in love with Henan and investing in Henan. (Source/Henan Daily Translators/Hong Jianyuan Tong Lin Proofreader/Wen Xiaomei)

我省还将积极培育消费品牌和经营主体,大力招引跨国公司、龙头企业在郑州设立区域总部,建设契合境外旅客消费理念的国际游客体验中心和服务中心,培育一批与国际接轨的高端品牌店。”省商务厅有关负责人说,支持郑州建设国际消费中心城市,设立离境退税街区、商店;积极发展直播电商、即时零售等新型消费平台,开展首店、首秀、首发、首站等销售推广活动;高标准打造一批涉外重点餐饮酒店、商超、步行街,推介一批必逛消费目的地、必购特色商品,为过境外国人提供便利消费场景,让外国人爱上河南、投资河南。(中文来源/河南日报 编译/洪建园 童林 英文审校/温晓梅)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao