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'Green Lanes' from BYD Plant to Zhengzhou International Land Port now open

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-09-11 16:39

'Green Lanes' from BYD Plant to Zhengzhou International Land Port now open


On August 28, Zhuxian South Road, the dedicated logistics channel connecting Zhengzhou BYD to Zhengzhou International Land Port, was opened to traffic. This marks a significant advancement in the logistics connectivity between Zhengzhou BYD plant and the Land Port.



The extension project of Zhuxian South Road began on August 1 and was completed within 28 days, once again showcasing the remarkable efficiency of the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone.



Running from west to east, the newly opened channel is 1,120 meters long and 4 meters wide, intersecting with Yanzhou Road, Longtai Street, Xitai Street, and Xuzhou Road. Upon completion, the channel will seamlessly integrate with the existing Lingrun Road and Huirun Road, creating a "dual-channel" logistics system for Zhengzhou International Land Port. Lingrun Road and Huirun Road will undertake the transportation as usual, while the new channel will focus on the rapid and efficient transport of BYD's finished vehicles.



"Previously, new vehicles produced by BYD had to be transported by freight crates, traveling 3.27 kilometers to reach Zhengzhou International Land Port. With the opening of the channel, the newly produced vehicles can now be transported directly eastward to the western operation area of the Land Port and be loaded onto China Railway Express for export," said a staff member at the Land Port. The opening of the channel will not only significantly shorten the transportation time between Zhengzhou BYD plant and the Land Port and substantially reduce logistics costs, but will also greatly ease the transport pressure on the existing routes and further optimize the logistics chain operations at the Land Port, thus laying a solid foundation for long-term development goals. (Chinese source: Henan Daily Reporter: Yang Ling and Yang Yakun Translator: Zhang Yahan Proofreader: Chen Xingjie and Zhao Hanqing)

“以往比亚迪新车出厂后,需要用货运板车运输,通行3.27公里的市政道路才能抵达郑州国际陆港。专用通道通车后,新车出厂后可一路向东,直接驶进郑州国际陆港西作业区,登陆中欧班列后完成出口。”郑州国际陆港相关负责人说,这不仅将有效缩短郑州比亚迪厂区与国际陆港之间的运输时间,大幅度降低物流成本,还将极大缓解比亚迪至郑州国际陆港现有通道的货运压力,进一步优化郑州国际陆港的物流链运作,为实现长远发展目标奠定坚实的基础。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨凌 杨亚坤 编译/张雅涵 审校/陈行洁 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing