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New TIR assembly center inaugurated in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-09-21 11:25

New TIR assembly center inaugurated in Henan



A new TIR assembly center, certified by the International Road Transport Union (IRU), began operation on September 20 in Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone, which is located in Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone (ZAEZ). This marks a solid step toward transforming ZAEZ into a modern, international, and world-class logistics hub.

大河网讯 9月20日,在位于郑州航空港区的郑州新郑综合保税区内,国际公路运输河南集结中心正式揭牌运营,标志着航空港区朝着现代化、国际化、世界级物流枢纽的目标迈出了坚实一步。


It is China's third TIR assembly center certified by IRU, the first one in China's inland region.



"The inauguration of Henan TIR assembly center will attract more international transport vehicles to gather and collect cargo here, exerting positive impact on the growth of foreign trade and commercial logistics in ZAEZ and even the entire province," said Wang Ran, chief representative of the IRU East Asia and Southeast Asia Office.



According to ZAEZ Port Administration, Henan TIR assembly center has established an 800-square-meter business hall, along with a newly built 16,000-square-meter container yard and parking area, a 6,000-square-meter warehouse, and a 400-square-meter cold storage facility. Additionally, it provides 30 apartments with a total of 300 beds as a "drivers' home", and is equipped with necessary facilities such as fencing, weighbridges, and container cranes.



"We will also introduce a package of policies, establish an integrated service and information platform, launch a one-stop TIR service window, and set up China's first TIR enterprise association, sparing no efforts to support the development of the international road transport industry." According to Chen Wei, deputy director of ZAEZ Port Administration, they aim to attract 20 new TIR enterprises within 3 years, handling more than 1,000 inbound and outbound trips as well as 20,000 tons of cargo each year. By then, Henan TIR assembly center is expected to create 500 jobs, with annual import and export value exceeding 1 billion yuan.



"Henan TIR assembly center will further leverage the unique geographical advantages of ZAEZ, providing support for the development of a hub economy in Henan." According to a staff member from the Management Committee of ZAEZ, they will steadfastly pursue the development path of "hub + openness + industry + platform", aiming to attract more foreign trade enterprises, platforms, and supply chain businesses to settle in the zone.

“国际公路运输河南集结中心的成功认证,将进一步发挥航空港区独特的交通区位优势,为全省发展枢纽经济提供有力支撑。”郑州航空港区管委会相关负责人表示,航空港区将坚定不移走好“枢纽+开放+产业+平台”发展路子,吸引更多的进出口贸易企业、平台企业、供应链企业入驻航空港区。(中文来源/大河网 记者/王瑞 编译/杨佳欣 审校/陈行洁 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing