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Beijing, Kuala Lumpur to deepen cooperation

Source:China Daily Published:2024-09-21 16:52
President Xi Jinping holds a welcoming ceremony for Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, who is on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing prior to their talks on Friday. YIN BOGU/XINHUA

China and Malaysia agreed to further deepen pragmatic cooperation and enhance collaboration in international affairs to promote shared development and world peace, as President Xi Jinping held talks with Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar on Friday in Beijing.

Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations and the Year of China-Malaysia Friendship, Xi told King Sultan Ibrahim that China hopes the two countries will be close neighbors enjoying everlasting friendship.

He encouraged the two countries to deepen strategic cooperation to facilitate their respective modernization drives and enhance the construction of a China-Malaysia community with a shared future.

China is further deepening reform in a comprehensive manner and promoting high-standard opening-up, Xi said, adding that such efforts will provide new impetus and opportunities for bilateral cooperation.

China hopes to share its governance experience with Malaysia, strengthen the alignment of development strategies, and conduct high-quality Belt and Road Initiative cooperation, Xi said.

Malaysia is among the first countries to have supported the BRI.

Two important BRI cooperation projects between China and Malaysia are the East Coast Rail Link connecting Malaysia's eastern and western coasts and the twin industrial parks — one in China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and the other in Malaysia's Pahang state.

Xi said that China hopes to work with Malaysia to do a good job in implementing such key projects, strengthen cooperation in agriculture and poverty reduction, and tap into the potential of cooperation in high technology sectors, such as new energy and the digital economy.

He also urged both countries to deepen exchanges between Chinese and Islamic civilizations, boost cooperation in higher education and joint science research, and work for better understanding between their peoples.

China supports Malaysia in assuming the rotating chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations next year, Xi said, adding that it hopes to work with Malaysia to promote East Asian cooperation and regional economic integration, as well as strengthen communication and coordination with Malaysia over hot-spot and international issues.

King Sultan Ibrahim, who is in China for a four-day state visit starting on Thursday, said that Malaysia views China as a trustworthy partner, and is committed to developing a robust partnership with China.

Malaysia has benefited a lot from the BRI, King Sultan Ibrahim said, adding that his country hopes to deepen cooperation with China in trade, investment, infrastructure, connectivity, culture and education.

Malaysia hopes to work with China to contribute to peace and stability in the South China Sea, and stands ready to play a positive role in promoting ties between China and ASEAN, he said.

King Sultan Ibrahim also voiced Malaysia's appreciation for China's just position over the Palestinian question, and said his country hopes to strengthen communication and collaboration with China over international and regional affairs.

Premier Li Qiang meets with Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, who is on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/China Daily]

Premier Li Qiang also met with King Sultan Ibrahim in Beijing on Friday, and pledged to obtain more outcomes in bilateral cooperation.

King Sultan Ibrahim's visit, the latest in frequent bilateral high-level exchanges in recent years, came just three months after Li visited Malaysia.

The China trip is also his first visit to a country outside ASEAN since assuming office as Malaysia's head of state in January.

Fu Congcong, associate professor at the School of Asian Studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University, said the visit shows the high importance Malaysia attaches to developing ties with China.

China values Malaysia's role in the Global South and ASEAN, Fu said, adding that Malaysia also hopes to further promote cooperation between the regional bloc and China.

The two countries have enjoyed dynamic people-to-people exchanges and "highly resilient" economic and trade cooperation, Fu said.

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao