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Cambodian cashews make their debut in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-09-24 18:46

Cambodian cashews make their debut in Henan



Following the introduction of Cambodia's pepper, famed "Pepper King", to Central China's Henan province on September 15, Cambodia, the world's second-largest cashew producer known as the "Cashew Paradise", also introduced its cashews to Henan. On September 22, the first batch of cashews exported from Cambodia arrived in Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan, via a direct flight (K6894) of Cambodia Angkor Air, offering the local consumers a taste of authentic Cambodian flavors.


The introduction of Cambodian cashews to Henan marks a breakthrough in agricultural trade between Henan and Cambodia, signifying a new interaction between Henan's vast market demand and Cambodia's high-quality agricultural resources. At the same time, this represents a significant progress of Zhengzhou Agricultural Development Group in actively exploring domestic and international agricultural trade markets through pragmatic cooperation with Cambodia's Cambodia-Henan Zhuoheng Trading Company. "As China accelerates its high-level opening-up, the vast Chinese market is becoming a strong magnet for global agricultural traders. Zhengzhou Agricultural Development Group will pursue closer and deeper agricultural trade cooperation with the ASEAN and the BRI countries, thus making new achievements in the export of high-quality agricultural products to China from these regions." Sun Caixia, president of Zhengzhou Agricultural Development Group, told Dahe Daily.



It is reported that Cambodia Angkor Air is now in collaboration with China to build the "Henan-Cambodia-ASEAN" Air Silk Road, aiming to establish Phnom Penh and Zhengzhou as key transit hubs connecting Southeast Asia with Northeast Asia, Central Asia, and Russia's Far East.



Cambodia, with its favorable climate and natural environment, is known as the "Cashew Paradise". It has approximately 700,000 hectares of land dedicated to cashew cultivation, making it the world's second-largest cashew producer. In the first seven months of this year, Cambodia produced 830,000 tons of cashews. Thanks to nearly 2,000 hours of abundant annual sunshine, Cambodian cashews are large and plump with excellent taste, making them highly popular with consumers.

据了解,柬埔寨有着良好的气候条件及自然环境,被称作“腰果天堂”,腰果种植面积约为70万公顷,今年前7个月总产量达83万吨,成为全世界第二大腰果生产国。得益于每年近2000小时的充足日照,柬埔寨所产腰果个大饱满、口感极佳,深受消费者喜爱。(中文来源/大河报 记者/田育臣 编译/杨佳欣 审校/张军平 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing