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Global Talk丨Online campaign to promote Zhang Zhongjing culture launches today in Nanyang

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-09-26 08:48

Online campaign to promote Zhang Zhongjing culture launches today in Nanyang

Global Talk丨“仲景之光 ‘新’耀世界”网络主题采风活动今日正式启动


Nanyang is a major birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine and the hometown of the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing (about 150-154 AD to 215-219 AD). To further promote and inherit the culture of Zhang Zhongjing, expand its global influence, and drive the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), an online campaign themed "Zhongjing Culture Shines Over the World" kicked off in Nanyang on September 26, 2024.



"I am an international student at Zhengzhou University, and I participated in this event to learn more about traditional Chinese medicine. I am very happy to be part of this event." Karina Mamadvalieva from Russia is currently studying at Zhengzhou University. She told reporters that in the coming days, she hopes to learn more about traditional Chinese medicine and experience some unique TCM therapies.

“我是郑州大学的一名留学生,参加此次活动是想了解更多关于中医药的知识,很高兴能够参加此次活动。”来自俄罗斯的卡琳娜·马马德瓦利耶娃(KARINA MAMADVALIEVA)目前在郑州大学留学,她告诉记者,未来几天,自己希望能够了解更多有关中医药的知识,并体验一些中医特色疗法。


In the coming days, a group of reporters from various media outlets, international students, and  representatives from Henan will visit Nanyang to explore and cover the inheritance, development, and innovation of Zhang Zhongjing culture, as well as TCM talent cultivation, to promote the high-quality development of TCM in Henan and contribute to the construction of a Healthy China.

据了解,未来几天,由中央和省级媒体记者以及海外名人和河南推荐官组成的采风团,将走进南阳,深入宣传报道仲景文化传承弘扬和创新发展、人才培育等,助力河南中医药高质量发展和健康中国建设。(赵汉青 杨佳欣)


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Editor:Zhao Hanqing