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Setting a new record: Zhengzhou airport logs monthly cargo volume of 76,000 tons

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-10-03 17:47

Setting a new record: Zhengzhou airport logs monthly cargo volume of 76,000 tons

创历史新高 郑州机场9月货运量达7.6万吨


In September, Zhengzhou airport achieved a record cargo volume of 76,000 tons, according to Zhongyu Aviation Group on October 1. Since January, Zhongyu Aviation Group has been playing a key role in hub development, leveraging the strengths of airlines and hub airports to boost cargo volume and attract resources. From January to September, the group reported a total cargo volume of 571,000 tons, marking a year-on-year increase of 33.2 percent.



Since January, Zhongyu Aviation Group has been leveraging the advantages of "dual cargo airlines" model, supporting Cargolux Airlines and Zhongyuan Longhao Airlines in expanding their route networks centered around Zhengzhou. These efforts have increased their freight capacity and strengthened Zhengzhou’s position as an aviation hub. By the end of September, Zhengzhou airport recorded an additional cargo volume of 142,000 tons. Notably, the combined contributions from Zhongyuan Longhao Airlines and Cargolux Airlines accounted for 103,000 tons, representing 72.5 percent of the total cargo increase at Zhengzhou airport during this period.



Led by the "dual cargo airlines" model, 9 internationally renowned airlines, including Lufthansa, United Airlines, CMA CGM Air Cargo, and Malaysia’s Raya Airways, have established operations at Zhengzhou airport this year. Since the start of this year, Zhengzhou airport has launched over 10 cargo routes, connecting to destinations such as Frankfurt (Germany), Chicago (USA), Atlanta/Dallas (USA), Osaka (Japan), and Clark (Philippines).



As of the end of September, 27 cargo airlines operating in Zhengzhou could offer 54 cargo routes open to 58 cities across 26 countries. This has established a hub route network that spans the 3 major economic zones of Europe, America, and Asia, covering the main economies worldwide. Currently, there are 35 weekly cargo flights from Zhengzhou to Europe, 21 weekly flights to North America, and 21 to Southeast Asia.

据了解,截至9月底,在郑运营的货运航空公司27家,开通货运航线54条,通航26个国家、58个城市,构建起横跨欧美亚三大经济区、覆盖全球主要经济体的枢纽航线网络。目前,郑州至欧洲的货运快线每周35班,郑州至北美、东南亚的货运快线每周各21班。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/郭北晨 编译/杨佳欣 审校/丁岚 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing