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Zhengzhou Customs reports 19.7% y-o-y growth in RCEP certificates of origin issued in Jan-Sept

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-10-10 17:37

Zhengzhou Customs reports 19.7% y-o-y growth in RCEP certificates of origin issued in Jan-Sept

前三季度 郑州海关签发RCEP原产地证书量同比增长19.7%


In the first three quarters of this year, Zhengzhou Customs issued a total of 5,291 RCEP certificates of origin, with a combined value of 1.84 billion yuan, reflecting year-on-year increases of 19.7% and 6.8%, respectively, said local authority on October 8. The total value of imports and exports benefiting from RCEP in Henan reached 2 billion yuan, reflecting a 12.4% increase compared to the previous year. Furthermore, 362 export companies applied for RCEP certificates of origin, an 11% increase compared to last year, surpassing the total number of certificate holders of 2022.


Shenma Industrial Co., Ltd., located in Pingdingshan, Henan, primarily exports tire skeleton materials including nylon industrial yarn and tire cord fabric, with key markets in RCEP member countries like Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN nations. "With the RCEP certificate, the tariff on our industrial yarn exports to Japan dropped from 5.3% to 3.4%, and the tariff on tire cord fabric decreased from 6.6% to 4.2%," said Wang Bing, the company's foreign trade manager. As a result of the tariff reductions under the RCEP agreement, the company's exports to RCEP member countries exceeded 500 million yuan in the first three quarters of 2024.



As a major agricultural province, Henan has seen many agricultural enterprises expand their exports by taking advantage of the preferential tariff policies under the RCEP agreement. "The RCEP agreement has steadily boosted the competitiveness of our export products and strengthened our relationships with overseas customers," said Yan Lijuan, export manager of Henan Huaxin Food Trade Co., Ltd. The company is capitalizing on opportunities from the RCEP, especially in markets like Japan and Southeast Asia. In the first three quarters of this year, the company processed 131 RCEP certificates for products like frozen cooked duck meat and duck oil, gaining over one million yuan in tariff reductions in its export markets.

我省作为农业大省,农业企业借助RCEP优惠关税政策扩大出口规模的例子也不罕见。“在RCEP的助力下,我们出口产品的竞争力不断增强,与海外客户供需关系也更加牢固。”河南华欣食品贸易有限公司出口部经理严丽娟表示,公司瞄准RCEP带来的机遇,不断加大对日本、东南亚等市场的开拓力度。今年前三季度,该公司为出口到RCEP市场的冻熟制鸭肉、鸭油等产品办理RCEP证书131份,在出口目的国享受关税优惠超百万元。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/李筱晗 编译/张雅涵 实习生/闫进怡 审校/李文竞 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing