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Henan's autumn harvest nearly complete

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-10-11 20:49

Henan's autumn harvest nearly complete



As of October 10, a total of 108.19 million mu (approximately 7.21 million hectares) of autumn crops have been harvested in Henan, accounting for 92.5% of the total cultivation area, according to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Henan Province, including 71.73 million mu of autumn grains, representing 94% of the total. Apart from some wheat along the Yellow River, late-planted sweet potatoes, and rotation vegetables, Henan's autumn harvest has been completed basically.



This year, Henan's autumn crops ripened earlier than previous years, with large-scale harvesting beginning on September 20, approximately 4 to 5 days ahead of the usual schedule. From September 23 to September 28, daily crop harvesting exceeded 5 million mu (approximately 333,500 hectares) for six consecutive days. This year's autumn harvest, which lasted 21 days, progressed smoothly thanks to cool weather and sufficient harvesting machinery.



The smooth progress of the autumn harvest relies heavily on the harvesting machines. During the harvesting period, Henan organized a total of 236,000 harvesting machines, including 100,000 for corn, 30,000 for wheat, and 85,000 for peanut. Additionally, to address potential rainy weather, Henan set up 313 regional harvesting machine service centers, 716 regular emergency operation service teams, and 2,743 drying facilities, all on standby to provide emergency harvesting and drying services whenever needed.



This year, Henan's mechanical harvesting rates are as follows: 94.6% for corn, 97% for rice, and 83.9% for peanuts, all of which are higher than those of the previous year.

从生产调度情况看,今年全省玉米机收率94.6%、水稻机收率97%、花生机收率83.9%,均较上年有所提高。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/刘一洁 编译/杨佳欣 实习生/王锐 审校/陈行洁 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing