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Downtown Zhengzhou expands to 796.70 sq km, ranks among top cities

Source:dahe.cn Published:2024-10-14 18:10

Downtown Zhengzhou expands to 796.70 sq km, ranks among top cities



According to the notice issued by the People's Government of Zhengzhou Municipality on October 11, the urban built-up area in downtown Zhengzhou reached 796.70 square kilometers in 2023, an expansion of 22.38 square kilometers compared to 2022. The total urban built-up area has grown to 1,412.22 square kilometers, an increase of 27.71 square kilometers from the previous year.



"As urbanization accelerates, Zhengzhou expands year by year," said Song Xiangqing, vice president of the Commerce Economy Association of China. According to him, such expansion is the outcome of resource convergence, population concentration, and economic growth. Song also noted that a larger city size signifies an enhanced capacity for resource integration, population accommodation, and enhanced urban attractiveness and influence.



A series of impressive data highlights that Zhengzhou, as a national metropolis, has ascended to a new level in its modernization efforts. By the end of 2023, the urban built-up area in downtown Zhengzhou has expanded to rank among the top 15 major cities in China. The city's permanent population reached 13.08 million, and its GDP exceeded 1.36 trillion yuan. In the first half of 2024, Zhengzhou recorded a regional GDP of 725.24 billion yuan, representing 23% of Henan's total economic output. With its steady economic growth, Zhengzhou continues to lead Henan's overall development. (Chinese source: Henan Daily Reporter: Wang Yanhui Translator: Zhang Yahan Intern: Qin Jingzhu Proofreader: Ding Lan and Zhao Hanqing )

一系列数据成串跃升,标志着郑州国家中心城市现代化建设跨上新台阶。数据显示,截至2023年年底,郑州市中心城区城市建成区面积扩容至796.70平方公里(排名全国各大城市建成区面积前15),常住人口增至1300.8万人,地区生产总值突破1.36万亿元;2024年上半年,郑州市实现地区生产总值7252.4亿元,经济首位度达23%,经济发展呈现稳进向好态势,在全省发展大局中高扬龙头挑大梁。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 编译/张雅涵 实习生/覃镜竹 审校/丁岚 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing