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National Media Spotlight on the 42nd Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Cultural Festival

Source:HICC Published:2024-10-21 16:45

National Media Spotlight on the 42nd Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Cultural Festival

开封第42届菊花文化节:媒体聚焦 科技文旅融合绽放新魅力

The 42nd Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Cultural Festival attracted a large number of journalists from nearly a hundred media outlets across the country. On October 17, they gathered in Kaifeng to provide extensive coverage of the event domestically and internationally. By leveraging their respective platforms, they employed comprehensive media reporting, platform-driven strategies, and matrixed dissemination to further promote Kaifeng's festival culture.


At 6 pm on October 17, all the journalists visited the 960 Project of Kaifeng Investment Group located to the east of the Meridian Gate Square and watched the fire pot performance. The fire pot, a national intangible cultural heritage, traces back to ancient folk festivals and requires the skill of manipulating flames to create a stunning display. Performers put the burning charcoal into the iron mesh and shake out sparks. With each shake and lift, sparks burst forth and quickly illuminate sky like a dazzling array of stars. The prosperous night, bright as day, elicited rounds of applause from the audience.


Subsequently, they entered the 960 Cultural and Creative Park which has undergone improvement in the style of “classical exterior and fashionable interior” through lighting, greening, and restoration. In addition to various live performances, the organic combination of traditional culture and fashionable elements can be seen everywhere. Beverages during the Northern Song Dynasty a thousand years ago have transformed into the everyday drinks with romantic names such as "Seeking Osmanthus in Mountains" and "Frost in Maple Forests", allowing visitors to savor the essence of history. The 960 Cultural and Creative Park reflects the close integration of ornament, interaction, participation, experience, and entertainment, vividly presenting the festival theme of "an immersive journey into the Song Dynasty" in a diversified way.

随后,媒体记者进入960文创园,作为菊花文化节整体提升的一部分,960 文创园历经灯光、绿化、修缮等持续的提升改造,进一步凸现了“外在古典、内在时尚”的风貌,在这里,除了多场的实景演出,随处可见传统文化和时尚元素有机结合,千年之前的北宋饮品华丽蜕变为眼前官家饮子,“豆蔻年华”、“空山寻桂”、“枫林晚霜”、“浮光半夏”……一个个风雅浪漫的名字会让您在味蕾的满足中感受到历史的沉淀。充分体现了960园区观赏性、互动性、参与性、体验性和趣味性的高度融合,把“宋潮时尚,乐在汴梁”的主题体现得淋漓尽致,呈现出多元化的展示形式。

The interactive drama Looking Forward to Spring in the Park has attracted a large number of journalists with its unique form. The story plot is based on the Art of Burning Incense, which was one of the four spiritual and aesthetic activities during the Northern Song Dynasty. It uses "incense" as a medium to traverse through time. The actors' professional performances drew many journalists to participate in the interactive part, significantly sparking their interest in sharing pictures via social media.


At the Suzhen Theatre, the classic Yu Opera play Bi Zheng and Miaochang left the journalists spellbound. The play narrates the story of Pan Bizheng and Chen Miaochang breaking through feudal barriers in pursuit of love, a tale that is both emotional and rational. Wang Sujun, the founder of the Wang school art of Yu Opera, has successively starred in this play alongside renowned Yu Opera performers Wang Jingxian, Zhu Qiaoyun, and others. The play has also been adapted into an opera TV drama and was broadcast on CCTV, as well as provincial and municipal stations. The on-site performance was articulate and emotionally rich, leaving the journalists with a lingering impression.


At the east side of the 960 Cultural and Creative Park, the journalists made a "travel" to the Northern Song Dynasty. They followed the well-known mechanic Zhao Yi and experienced the technology charm of that time. Immersed in the intricate structures, they observed up close the exquisite craftsmanship of the iron pillar for suppressing river floods and the auspicious sea horse while listening to the touching stories from the history of the Northern Song Dynasty.


It is reported that Technology of the Song Dynasty is an immersive experience project jointly created by Kaifeng Investment Group and Rumeng Cultural Media Group. Through the deep integration of technology and cultural tourism, the project interprets the story of how Emperor Zhao Kuangyin gathered skilled medics and craftsmen from all over the country for the strategic goal of "subduing enemies without fighting" and ensuring the eternal stability and long-term peace of the Song Dynasty. The project meticulously restores historical cultural heritage by utilizing mainstream 3D development engines, including Unreal Engine, and laser scanning modeling technology. It also employs Location-Based Entertainment, AI-based virtual tour systems, motion capture systems, and real-time synchronization of virtual spaces. These technologies provide providing visitors with an interactive environment that is both realistic and imaginative.

据悉,《入梦宋潮·大宋天工》是开封文投集团联合入梦文化共同打造的沉浸式探索体验项目,通过科技手段与文旅的深度融合,演绎了宋太祖赵匡胤集天下能工巧匠,敕令建设“天波工造”以达到“不战而屈人之兵”的战略目标,确保大宋江山永固,长治久安。项目利用包括Unreal Engine在内的主流3D开发引擎、激光扫描建模技术,实现了对历史文物遗产的高度还原,LBE 、基于AI的虚拟导览系统、动态捕捉系统以及虚拟空间的实时同步,为游客提供了一个即其实又充满想象的互动环境。

The journalists commented that Technology of the Song Dynasty is not only a combination of technology and art, but also an inheritance of traditional Chinese culture. It brings dreams into reality with the help of modern technology, providing tourists with a brand-new experience as a high-tech product that integrates education, entertainment and innovation.


At the waterfront platform of the Dragon Pavilion Lake, the journalists enjoyed the grand performance of Flower Boats on the Song Dynasty Imperial River. With the sky as the backdrop, the pavilions as the scenery, and the water as the stage, flower boats were adorned with melodious music and graceful dancers. From the boats, the Jade Belt bridge, the Chaomen gate, and the resplendent Hall of the Dragon Pavilion Park were all in full view. They complemented the tens of thousands of competing chrysanthemums in pots and the bright lights which resemble a galaxy in the scenic area, presenting a magnificent picture scroll with the sound of oars and the shadow of lanterns reflecting the enduring charm of the Song Dynasty.


The journalists all praised Kaifeng for its steady and robust development in the fields of culture and tourism. Here, they experienced the charm of the ancient capital, sensed its humanistic spirit, and felt the fusion of historical depth with modern vitality. The interweaving of bygone times with new creativity fill every corner with a unique allure. They believe that by adhering to the strategic vision of "a world-renowned historical capital and cultural tourism city", Kaifeng will fully display its millennia-old splendor and become a pioneer in the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

参加活动记者媒体团感慨道,开封一如既往地保持了文旅快速健康的良好发展态势,在这里,体验了古都魅力,感知了人文情怀,感受到历史的沉淀与现代的活力相互融合,旧时光与新创意交织碰撞,让这里的每一处角落都散发着独特的魅力,相信开封会坚持“一都一城”的战略目标,全面展现千年汴梁的盛世画卷,争做文旅新时代高质量发展的开路先锋。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/焦宏昌 通讯员 李新义 姚子文 编译/丁岚 )

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao