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Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-05-22 09:02

Courageous Henan Shines with the World! 

Episode Two: Flourishing Industries, Backbone of the Economy



Courageous Henan shines with the world! 


Henan is making a special effort to upgrade its industries, promote innovation-driven development, grow equipment manufacturing and food processing into trillion-worth industries, and build its name in smart phones, new-energy vehicles and tunnel boring machines. China's first innovation center of biological breeding is set up in the province. The province plays an increasingly bigger role in making China's flagship heavy machinery such as Shenzhou spacecraft, high-speed trains and Jiaolong manned deep-sea submersible.

河南着力打好产业结构优化升级牌、创新驱动发展牌,推动装备制造、食品 制造跃向万亿级产业,智能手机、新能源客车、盾构机等成为河南制造新名片, 全国首个生物育种产业创新中心落户河南,神舟飞船、高铁、蛟龙号深潜器等大 国重器上有了更多河南元素。 

Focusing on Henan's advantageous location, flourishing industries, food production, ecological conservation, long history and splendid culture, etc., the Special Report on China’s Two Sessions by Media Convergence Center of Henan Provincial People’s Congress and DAHE.CN: "Bilingual Stories on Henan" has been carried out to better tell the brilliant stories of Henan to the world. 


Today, episode two -- "Flourishing Industries, Backbone of the Economy" (Click here for more information) -- is launched to see how Henan is making a special effort to upgrade its industries, promote innovation-driven development, grow equipment manufacturing and food processing into trillion-worth industries.

今天推出第②期《产业兴旺 脊梁坚挺》点击查看详情,看河南如何打好产业结构优化升级牌、创新驱动发展牌,推动装备制造、食品制造跃向万亿级产业。(记者 赵汉青)

Announcer: Don Weck




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Editor:Zhao Hanqing